Page 81 of Ruthless Rage
“Fine, fine,” he mumbles, pressing a few buttons on the keyboard. “I’ve been tracking a shipment coming in and I’m certain it’s theirs.”
“How?” Axel asks, beating me to it.
“It’s a repeat delivery that comes in every other Thursday. I’ve checked the surveillance cameras at the shipment yard, it’s a bit grainy, but I’m certain it’s their cuts.” The screen comes to life with multiple still images.It definitely looks like their leather and emblem on the back.
“Can you tell if Kincaid is one of them?” I ask, getting more and more excited with every passing second.
“No, not for certain. But realistically, we don’t have the upper hand here, so beggars really can’t be choosers. This is the most solid lead we’ve got right now. I still can’t pick anything up on their compound location.”
I nod, seeing the bigger picture too, as I lean back in my seat. “Please, for all that is holy, tell me that it’s today and we don’t have to wait another week.” Thursdays have always been inconsequential to me, until now. They’ve never been so important.
“Two hours.”
Fuck yeah.
I don’t need to look around my men to know their thoughts. I can feel the anticipation rising in the room as they wait for me to say go.
I speak the sweetest three words to leave my lips, before smashing the gavel into the wood.
“Let’s roll out.”
* * *
Sneak in.
Prepare for their arrival.
Hold positions.
That’s the plan. It’s that simple, or so I hope.
Step one is already complete. The security guard is already in our pocket. Has been for a long time since he went to school with my dad and they got along. I slipped him an extra wad of cash to keep his head down and he is more than happy to do so.
Everyone is prepared and in their positions now, all eagle-eyed and ready for the moment to strike. It’s just step four we’re all eagerly awaiting, all thirsty for.
The container is in my direct line of sight. I’m in the club's blacked out SUV, with Emmett to my left and Gray to my right. Axel, Duffer, and Shift are stationed to the left of the target, while Eric, Becker, and Euro are camped out to the right. The rest are on the outskirts of the yard, keeping as many men on the ground as possible, ready to attack.
I tap my foot impatiently, completely unsure about Axel’s decision for me to be holed up in the vehicle, but I placed him as the sergeant at arms for a reason. Even if I don’t like it, I know it’s the right choice. It just makes me even more impatient.
Gray clears his throat, glancing out of the corner of his eye at me and Emmett, his jaw opening like he’s going to talk before he slams it shut again, twisting his gaze out of the window. He’s done the same damn thing three times now and it’s driving me insane.
“Whatever’s going through your head, Gray, spit it out so we can focus on the job at hand,” I grumble, tapping my fingers on my thighs and he sighs.
He clears his throat again, before finally blurting out what’s on his mind.
“I think I’m in love.”
My head rears back, and Emmett splutters beside me as we try to process his words.
“With who?” I ask, completely caught off guard.
“Himself,” Emmett retorts before Gray can answer, and I have to stifle a laugh.
“Fuck off, assholes. With Scarlett obviously.”
On what fucking planet is that obvious? Am I denseandfucking blind?