Page 49 of Firecracker (Smoke)
The guy’s eyes swung back to me. “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
“Dumbass,” Gage muttered.
Blaise shook his head and chuckled. “You never go on someone’s property without doing your research.”
“Gypsi came here. I followed her.”
Blaise scowled at him. “Yeah, I gathered that.”
“I want to know about the fucking toy rings he’s got a bag full of,” Levi said.
My blood ran cold as I turned to look at Levi. “What toy rings?” I asked him.
“These,” Gage said, then tossed me a bag.
Jerking it open, I looked down at the rings in the bag. They were all the same. Replicas of the one I’d found in Gypsi’s things when I went to move them from her room to mine. I saw it and picked it up, thinking it was real. The stone was huge, and I had a moment of jealousy. Thinking someone had given it to her. I’d smiled when I realized it was plastic and dropped it back into her bag.
I lifted my eyes to find the guy glaring at me with a smirk on his blood-covered face.
“She’s got one, doesn’t she? She kept it.”
I dropped the bag to the ground and started toward him, rage pounding in my chest.
Blaise stood in front of me, stopping me. “Not yet.”
“Who the fuck are you to Gypsi?” I yelled.
His blood-coated lips curled into a smile. “The man who took her virginity. The man she loves. I’m not someone she fucked because she needed it. Yeah, I know how she is. She can’t get enough. She’s got all kinds of fucked up kinks. She’s a damn sex addict, the freak. She would take it from whoever would give it to her, but I kept her in check. I reminded her who she belonged to. I fucked her first. I own that pussy.”
Someone moved behind me and grabbed my arms while Blaise planted his hand against my chest.
I fought against them as an angry roar ripped from my chest. “SHUT UP!”
“Easy,” Blaise said.
“You can have my Glock when we’re done,” Gage said near my ear. He was the one holding me back.
Blaise turned his head to look at the guy. “It seems you’ve walked into a situation you won’t be walking out of. In your pointless quest to chase a woman who had left you, you managed to follow her onto our property. No one walks onto our property without permission and lives.”
He spit more blood. “I have family. They’ll call the cops. Men you don’t want to fuck with will come looking for me.”
Blaise’s evil chuckle filled the room. “That’s the beauty of doing your research.” He held out his hands. “Look around. Does this look like anything other than what we are using it for right now? Do you think you’re the first person we’ve brought down here and questioned? As for men I don’t want to fuck with, those men don’t want to fuck with me.”
The guy glared at him, saying nothing.
“We have the cops in our back pocket, along with the senator and the governor—in several different states. Even those cops back in Miami. Yeah, them too.”
“What, are you the fucking Mafia?” he asked, spitting more blood.
“Ding, ding, ding,” Levi replied.
Blaise just kept his trademark evil smile on his face. “I don’t give a fuck who looks for you. They won’t ever know.”
“You’re lying,” he said, sounding less confident.
Gage’s laugh was twisted.
“Let her see me. She loves me. She doesn’t want me dead,” he said.
I pulled against Gage’s hold on me. Why the fuck it made me so furious to hear him claim Gypsi loved him I didn’t want to delve into, but it did. Jealousy, fury, and possessiveness were crashing together inside me, spiraling out of control. I didn’t like knowing he’d touched her. Been inside her. That he’d taken her virginity. I wanted to fucking tear his limbs from his body.
Blaise looked back at me. “Gage, you take first shift. Levi, you take the next. Kye can come when he’s done with the shit he’s handling now. Trev, you go talk to Gypsi. Find out who this son of a bitch is to her, and I want to know about Miami. All of it.”
He turned to Gage. “Walk him out first. I don’t trust him loose in here. He’ll break the idiot’s neck. Put a wire on him.”
Gage nudged me toward the exit as he held on to my arms. “You won’t get shit out of her, walking in with your bruised fist covered in blood.”
“I’ll wash it.”
“Don’t scare her either. You gotta remain calm. You fucked her. You knew someone else had been their first. Take a deep breath. You’re making this personal. You can’t do that.”
I glared back at him. “You burned down a fucking frat house once over a girl.”
He grinned. “That wasn’t a girl. That was my woman. There’s a difference.”