Page 52 of Firecracker (Smoke)
“Did you get it all?” I asked him, taking the wire off me and handing it to him.
“Yes,” he bit out.
“What’s your next move? Call Dad or Liam?”
Blaise ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m going to call Liam. It’s his man.”
“Just so we are clear, I don’t give a fuck that Liam is your father-in-law and that Tyde is one of his men. I’m killing the son of a bitch. Slowly. I’m going to watch him suffer.” I was seething. The need to see the bastard’s blood on my hands was burning inside me.
“Because you love her or because you care about her?” he asked me.
“I don’t love her. She’s my friend. I care about her. If any of my female friends had gone through this, I’d want to kill the bastard who did it. She’s going to be our stepsister soon. She’ll be more family than fucking Liam is.”
He nodded. “Good. Don’t fall in love with her.”
“Not planning on it.”
“You put your fist through the damn wall,” he said.
“That’s not like you.”
“It is now,” I replied.
Blaise smirked. “You might have more Hughes in you than I thought.”
I shot him a scowl. They all thought I was some pampered brat. Even my own damn brother.
“She’s gonna try to run or leave,” I told him.
“You have to tell her. She needs to understand that leaving only gives us more to do. It doesn’t help us. Fawn will be finding out soon anyway.”
This was going to fuck up everything. She might like The Godfather, but that was a damn movie. This was real life. One where I was about to kill the son of a bitch who had taken her virginity.
“Fine,” I replied.
“Do it soon. I’ve got to go call Liam. Stay away from down there until I’m with you,” Blaise told me.
“Hurry,” I growled.
“You fucking hurry,” he replied. “I don’t want to have to go chase her ass down.”
He turned and headed out the front door. I couldn’t go back up there and see Gypsi right now. Not while I was this wound up. When she had said she didn’t love him, I’d almost shoved her against the wall and fucked her. It was a good thing Blaise had put a damn wire on me.
My hands fisted at my sides as I thought about that motherfucker hurting her and stalking her. I had known she was scared of something. I’d felt it more than once and let it go. He had gotten into her suite. How the fuck had he done that? I needed a drink before I cracked. She did not need me trying to fuck her brains out while I was like this, and it was either that or drink.
I started for the library, but my gaze caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and I looked up. Gypsi was coming down the stairs with her bag. She’d been crying. Her eyes were red. Fucking hell.
“Where are you going?” I asked her.
“Leaving. I’m not staying here. I should have left already,” she said to me.
“Go put your bag back in the room. You’re not leaving,” I said, pointing upstairs. I didn’t need to deal with this right now.
“He’s dangerous. My being here puts everyone in danger,” she argued, continuing down the stairs.
“No one is in danger. You’re not leaving this house.”
“YES, I am! He will come for me. He’s done it before; he got into my hotel suite—”
“NO! He won’t! Why don’t you trust me?! JESUS!” I shouted, walking up to her and jerking the bag out of her hand.
“Trust you? I do trust you.”
“NO, you fucking don’t. I am telling you that no one is in danger from that son of a bitch, and you won’t listen to me.”
She threw her hands up. “Because you don’t know him!”
“I know that he won’t set eyes on you again.”
She shook her head. “He will follow me. He isn’t letting this go. He has some sick fascination with owning me.”
I knew all about that sick fascination. “I won’t let him touch you.”
“How are you going to stop him? Trev, you don’t know that side of life. You live in a big house. Your life is a fairy tale. There are dangerous people out there.”
I laughed. I couldn’t stop myself. I fucking laughed. “No, Lollipop, you don’t know that side of life. What I know, you can’t even begin to imagine.”
“You think so? You play video games, have topless pool parties, and get to ride horses all day.”
I glared at her. “That’s what you think of me? That I’m some rich, spoiled kid who hasn’t grown up?”
She stood there, staring at me. “I thought that at first. I know there is more to you now.”
“Like a big dick?” I asked sarcastically.
“Yes, but I wasn’t referring to your cock size. I meant that you’re smart, funny, you work for your dad but show up when you’re told to. You’re thoughtful, and you listen when people talk. You go buy peanut butter and chocolate snacks because you found out that it’s my favorite.”