Page 64 of Firecracker (Smoke)
“You can do all the other shit. Fawn is worried Gypsi is going to want to move into her own place. I’ve sold the goddamn camper, and their stuff arrives here today. I hate that damn thing,” he muttered. “Point is, you make her want to stay here. Don’t fuck her, make her get emotionally attached, then run the hell off once she sees one of those sluts bouncing on your dick at your pool parties. Be her brother. Be her friend.”
He was asking the impossible. I wanted to fucking shout how this was fucked up and I wouldn’t do it. Gypsi would want me, and I wasn’t going to be able to turn her down. She’d thought I was joking about the voodoo pussy, but I’d been serious.
“I’m not her brother,” I snarled.
“But you’re going to be. She wants to ride? Go take her to buy a horse. Give her a reason to stay here. I want Fawn so damn delirious with joy that she can’t stand it.”
“What do you mean, go buy her a horse?” I asked, praying he meant I was being told to take Gypsi on a road trip.
“Do some fucking research, find some horses for her, take her to see them. Buy her a goddamn horse. Make her love horses and forget about your damn dick.”
Was he seriously this delusional? He thought we could just turn it off like that. Told me to stop fucking her, then sending me on a horse-buying trip with her. This man was supposed to be a Mafia boss. He was losing his skills. It was time he retired and handed it to Blaise if he thought I was going to be able to take Gypsi off alone and not fuck the hell out of her.
“Yes, sir,” I replied, standing up.
“Go talk to her. Fix this shit. Stop it. Make sure Fawn doesn’t find out. And stop calling her Lollipop. It sounds dirty.”
I nodded and turned around, keeping a straight face because of all the fucking cameras in this room.
Blaise was waiting on the other side of the door when I stepped out and closed it behind me.
“I didn’t tell him shit about Gypsi,” he said. “You fucked that up with the camera in the kitchen.”
I nodded. “Yeah. I figured that one out.”
“It’s for the best in the long run. Might not seem like it now, but Garrett loves this one. She’s not going anywhere. He even mentioned semi-retirement.”
Fuck. That would mean Blaise would step up.
“I need to go handle some things,” I told him before heading for the stairs.
This morning, I’d gotten to wake up to her in my arms again. Giving that up was gonna be painful. I wasn’t sure I could. We needed to go on that horse shopping trip fucking soon.
Gypsi had left to go shopping with her mom. She hadn’t texted me to tell me. I’d heard it from Ms. Jimmie. It bugged me that she hadn’t thought to tell me. I didn’t want things to fucking change. My fist connected with the punching bag in our gym over and over while I tried to control the shit running through my head.
She’d crawled on top of me this morning and ridden me, looking like a goddamn goddess. Her hair all messy from sleep. Saying filthy shit with her husky, sleepy voice. Now, I didn’t even get a fucking text that she was leaving. And fucking Kye had driven them. He was the one keeping them safe. I didn’t like it.
“You beating the shit out of that bag have anything to do with your dad coming home?” Sax asked.
I turned to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, watching me.
“Yes,” I bit out. “What, did he summon you to talk about your new role in the family business?”
Sax shook his head. “No, I came to talk to you. Figured with the parents home, I’d be able to get you alone. You know, when your head isn’t on getting rid of me so you can have Gypsi all to yourself.”
I started punching again. If he was here to piss me off, today was not a good day.
“Not in the mood, Sax,” I said.
“Then, get in the mood. We’ve been best friends all our lives. This needs to be cleared up.”
I stopped and turned back to him. “She’s off-limits.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I know. I’m not after her.”
“Then, what the fuck do you want to talk to me about?”
He raised his eyebrows. “About the fact that I don’t intend to ever make a move on Gypsi. And that you’re fucking lying to yourself if you think what you’re doing with her is some benefits bullshit.”
“We’re friends too,” I said, feeling less angry toward him now that I knew he wasn’t after Gypsi.
“I watched you torture a man with a knife, then kill him with a shot to the head, and you never even flinched.”