Page 113 of I Could Never
What the hell?
He appeared at the door to the bedroom. “You like your pajamas?”
“What the heck?”
“I’m sleeping in the bed with you tonight,” he explained. “And even though I’m doing nothing but crashing now, when I get up in the morning, I’ll need all the help I can get to keep my hands off you.”
Feeling like I had nothing to lose after the hell we’d been through, I unbuttoned my Howdy Doody shirt and slipped out of Wayne’s clothes right in front of him. Josh swallowed hard as he took in the fleeting view of my bare breasts and thong. He kept his eyes on me every second while I slipped into the footie pajamas, zipping them all the way up.
“Okay…” He let out a shaky breath. “That was cruel, and defeated the purpose, you know.”
“Nothing you haven’t seen before, Mathers,” I teased before climbing into bed.
A few seconds later, I felt the heat of him at my back. Josh wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. Whatever boundaries we’d set the last time we left each other seemed to have gone out the window after the experience of the past two days. As his body enveloped mine, I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy it. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but falling asleep in Josh’s arms was everything I needed tonight.
THE FOLLOWING MORNING,I opened my eyes to find Josh staring at me.
“Hi,” he said in a deep, morning voice.
“You were watching me sleep?”
He rested his chin on his hand. “I was.”
“That’s supposed to be my thing.”
“I figured I’d beat you to the punch—watch you creepily before you could wake up and watch me.” He winked.
“Have you heard Scottie up yet?” I asked.
“No. If I had, I’d be out there and not enjoying the view from here.”
“How did you sleep?”
“Like a rock,” he said. “You?”
“Like a baby.”
“In a onesie.” He tugged on my pajamas, sending a bolt of electricity down my side.
“Exactly.” I rolled my eyes.
Josh placed his hand on my waist and squeezed, his touch awakening the muscles between my legs. My eyes went to his lips. Needing desperately to touch him, I reached up and threaded my fingers through his lush hair. He closed his eyes and groaned. I shut my own eyes for a moment, and before I could open them, I felt the heat of his lips on mine.
I immediately opened my mouth for him as our tongues became desperately reacquainted. The kiss grew intense as I continued to dig my fingers into his hair, pulling with need. His rock-hard erection pressed against my abdomen through the material of these silly footed pajamas. My leg wrapped around his body. And… That was the moment we heard the door burst open, followed by a thud on the bed.