Page 33 of I Could Never
Carly: At least I have a solution in case you don’t come back.
Josh: If you plan to start wearing that bikini around the house, I’ll definitely be back.
I immediately regretted that. It was way too flirtatious, even if I was just joking. The alcohol was making me ballsy.
Josh: Kidding, of course. But was that your way of checking to make sure I’m coming back?
Carly: I can’t imagine you’d want to after getting a taste of freedom again.
That was the fucked-up thing. Ididmiss being at the house with Carly and Scottie—and the damn dog, too. That was starting to feel like home, while this—being out in a cold bar—felt foreign. This feeling of missing someplace was definitely new to me.
Josh: I’ll be back tomorrow.
Carly: Cool.
Josh: Then you can have your night out on the town. Although, just a warning, Woodsboro isn’t all that exciting.
Carly: Just being out will be exciting. I’ll text my new friend Lisa to confirm. It will probably be Saturday night.
Josh: Yeah. Whenever.
Carly: How is it being back in Chicago?
Josh: A little strange. But I’m enjoying my bed.
Carly: I bet!
Josh: How’s the dog?
Carly: Still here.
Josh: Damn, I was hoping he’d be gone by the time I came back. ;-)
Carly: You don’t mean that.
Josh: You’re right. I don’t. I’m getting used to having him around. Never thought I’d say that.
Carly: He misses you.
Josh: He misses my leg.
Carly: LOL
Josh: Only action I’m getting lately. So maybe I should just appreciate it.
The three dots moved around for an unusually long time.
Carly: No action out in Chicago? I’m surprised.
Josh: What do you think, I step off the plane and have a woman at the ready?
Carly: Maybe that’s how I imagined your life.
Josh: I’ve had my share of fun over the years. But it’s not as wild now as you imagine.
Carly: You did say things changed after Brad died. You lost interest or something?
My head spun a little. I’d already had one too many, but I typed the words anyway.