Page 43 of I Could Never
“Why would I do that?” I huffed.
“Then I guess there’s no problem...”
“Right,” I muttered, annoyed that my blood was boiling right now. I wouldn’t allow myself to analyze my reaction, though. I needed to change the subject before he had a chance to sense that I was feeling discombobulated. “So, if you had to grade that house, what would you give it?” I asked.
“C-plus before she said Lorraine could drop off the chicken. B-minus after. You?”
“I would say about a B-minus, too. We should definitely look at the other place in town. Although, I guess if they’re both acceptable, it will come down to which one has the first opening.”
After we returned home, Lorraine went back to her place. Scottie seemed pretty calm; that might not have been the case if he’d known what Josh and I had been up to today.
For the rest of the day, the tension that had started with Lauren asking Josh out only seemed to escalate—because of me.
Josh ran out to the store to buy a few things we needed, and I couldn’t seem to hide my bitchy mood when he texted me a simple question.
Josh: They’re all out of your gluten-free muff. Do you want regular?
Carly: Muffins, you mean?
Josh: Yeah, of course. You usually get my sense of humor.
Carly: It’s no wonder you have muff on the mind today.
Josh: What’s that supposed to mean?
Carly: You should probably buy condoms, too, muffmaster.
Josh: Someone is a little miffed at the prospect of my getting muff?
Carly: Why would I be miffed?
Josh: I don’t know. You tell me. You’ve been weird all afternoon, ever since that thing with Lauren.
Carly: I’m not miffed at your muff. Get over yourself. My mood has nothing to do with that.
Josh: Okay. Whatever. But you didn’t answer my muffin question.
Carly: What was it?
Josh: Whether you wanted me to get the regular kind since they don’t have gluten free.
Carly: Oh. No. Don’t bother.
Josh: No muff for you. Got it.
Throwing my phone aside, I stewed for a while before I had to start getting ready to meet Lisa.
As I changed and did my hair and makeup, I continued to find myself incredibly annoyed that Lauren had asked Josh out, and even more annoyed at myself for being unable to hide that it upset me. Nothing like good old jealousy to bring inappropriate feelings to the surface. There was only one solution, and that was to get a freaking life outside of this house, which was exactly what I planned to do tonight.
THE BAR WASa pretty happening spot, with live music, plenty of greasy-food options on the menu, and rustic wood décor. The windows provided a view of the traffic on nearby Highway 106. It was loud and packed when we arrived. Fortunately, we found a table.
Lisa spoke over the ambient noise. “This is actually much more crowded than the last time I was here.”
I played with my straw. “Oh, I didn’t realize you’d been before.”