Page 49 of I Could Never
“Do you like him?” I braced myself for her answer.
“Like I said, I barely know him.”
“Neil wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s the best person I know. So you have no reason not to trust him.”
“Well, thank you for the testimonial, although I have to wonder if it’s a bit biased.”
“I don’t care that he’s my brother. If he were a prick, I’d warn you to stay away from him.”
“A prick like you?” she teased.
“I’m kidding.”
“No, you’re not.” I laughed.
Her face turned serious. “I don’t think you’re a prick anymore, Josh. Iwaskidding.” She looked at me for a moment as an awkwardness hung in the air.
I cleared my throat. “Well, I suppose if you’re going out with Neil next weekend, you’ll need me to watch Scottie.”
“If you don’t mind. I’ll return the favor, of course.”
“Actually, I was gonna take Lauren up on her offer next weekend, but if you have a date with Neil, I’ll reschedule.”
Carly’s mouth opened and closed a few times. “Oh...I didn’t realize you were definitely going out with her.”
It’s news to me too. “Yeah, why not? Got nothing to lose. Not like I have much else going on out here.”
Her neck grew red and blotchy. “Well, if things don’t work out, you’ll still have to see her. I suppose that would be one downside.”
“I’ll just have to deal, right?”
“Yeah...I mean, if you don’t mind the awkwardness,” she said, her cheeks pink.
“Nothing really fazes me.”
“Okay, then, Mr. Heartless.” She looked down at her toes for a second. “Anyway, if you want to go out next weekend, it’s your turn, so I can tell Neil the weekend after.”
“We can figure something out between Friday and Saturday. Doesn’t have to be an either-or situation.”
She nodded and yawned again. “Well, I’m exhausted. I’d better go to sleep. Before I know it, we’ll have to get up with Scottie.”
“Yeah. It’s late. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Josh.” She headed into her bedroom.
That night, I tossed and turned, and for once it wasn’t the air mattress keeping me up.
ON FRIDAY NIGHT,I’d arranged a date with Lauren, and Carly had made plans with Neil for Saturday.
Carly had been especially quiet all of Friday afternoon. I could tell my going out with Lauren made her uncomfortable. But being the dick I was, that was part of the point, wasn’t it? I’d had no plans to reach out to Lauren until I found out about Neil and Carly. Then I needed the distraction. Carly going out with my brother had gotten under my skin. But it wasn’t just about that. I sensed that Carly was starting to have feelings for me. Was it my imagination? I couldn’t be sure. But if my suspicions were true, I needed to nip that in the bud.
Friday evening, I opted to meet Lauren at the restaurant, even though she’d offered to pick me up. I borrowed Carly’s car to drive over there to spare her having to see Lauren. I knew that would have been awkward. While there was definitely an ulterior motive to this “date,” it wasn’t to upset Carly.