Page 98 of I Could Never
After dinner, I went back into the kitchen to take my plate to the sink. A few seconds later, Josh entered, and for a moment, the two of us were alone. The hairs on my neck stiffened as he came up behind me as I stood at the sink. The last time he’d been so close, we’d ended up screwing against the washing machine.
When I turned, his face was just inches from mine. “It wasn’t just sex, Pumpkin. That’s the problem.” He leaned in, ever so slightly.
My lips parted, desperate to connect with his.
A second later, Josh’s niece skipped into the room. He retreated immediately.
“Uncle Josh, come see my new skateboard!”
She dragged him away, leaving me alone with my palpitating heart.
THE DAYS FOLLOWINGChristmas went way too fast. I’d managed to keep my vow, and therefore, my dick in my pants. I deserved a freaking award for that. A booby prize, at least. I’d nearly slipped up several times, but in the end, I knew I needed to respect Carly’s wishes and my own promise not to let what she and I had started escalate into something we couldn’t come back from.
It was like I blinked, and all of a sudden here we were, ushering Scottie into his new home. Moving day felt surreal, even though we’d done everything we could to prepare for it. Carly and I had taken turns going to his new home over the last few days, slowly bringing Scottie’s stuff. It was our goal to make his room here as similar to his bedroom at home as possible. But we couldn’t take everything. There was simply no space. Carly had framed a picture of the three of us and left it on his bedside table. My sister-in-law had taken it at the Christmas Eve party. I could only hope that whenever Scottie looked at it, he didn’t hate us for leaving him.
Carly and I now sat on either side of his new bed, not wanting to go home yet. We were supposed to have gone by now.
“This doesn’t feel right,” I said.
Carly looked over at Scottie, who was playing on his iPad. He didn’t seem to understand the magnitude of this day, or at least he wasn’t showing it.
“I kind of wish we could stay the night with him or something,” she said.
“We can’t. That would make it even worse and harder for us to leave him here.”
“Yeah.” She picked at some lint on his bedspread. “I guess this is one of those situations where you have to rip the Band-Aid off.”
That sort of reminded me of what I would have to do with my feelings for her—walk away from everything all at once. Not only did we have to say goodbye to Scottie today, but we’d say goodbye to each other tomorrow.
“I’ve already confirmed with Lorraine that she’s going to bring his chicken by on Friday,” Carly said. “The batch I just made should last until then.”
“I hope she follows through with that.” I looked out the window; it was starting to drizzle.
Carly held on to the bedpost. “I wonder how long it’ll take before he jumps on this bed and breaks it.”
“I give it two days.” I chuckled. “I’m certain the next time one of us visits, there will be a mattress on the floor. They’ll learn their lesson.”
Someone came to the door. “We’re going to be having dinner soon. You’re welcome to stay, but it might be better if you leave so Scottie can get acclimated to the usual routine.”
I could take a hint.
Did I mention this really sucked?
“Thank you.” I nodded. “We’ll be leaving shortly.”
Without further ado, I reached out to hug him. “I love you, bud. I promise to come home to Woodsboro more often. And when I do, you’re gonna be my first stop.”
Carly had tears in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry we have to leave, Scottie. I know this will work out for the best in the end, though. I hope you grow to love it here. I really do.”
The whole thing felt so damn unnatural. But I forced myself up because I knew I’d never want to leave. Carly and I had started down the hall when we noticed footsteps behind us.
I turned.
It was Scottie.