Page 69 of The Stone Secret
We descend the hallway, littered with leaves, empty beer cans, wads of newspaper—a shoe, a shirt, a belt... A trail of clothes.
The noises grow louder from the last room on the left. More thuds, shuffling, heavy breathing.
My heartbeat is a drum in my chest.Boom, boom, boom.
I am wholly unprepared for what I see when we approach the room.
Moonlight streams through open windows, pooling onto a dirty, splintered hardwood floor.
A woman is naked, on hands and knees in the middle of the floor. Her hands and ankles are chained, a choke collar wrapped around her neck. A rope hangs from a loop in the ceiling, one end attached to the woman’s collar, the other gripped in the hand of the man sodomizing her from behind. Grunting and groaning like an ape, the man is wearing a white mask with long, pointy white horns that remind me of devil depictions I’d seen in books.
In his other hand, he is fisting her long, fire red hair, bending her neck backward at such a sharp angle it looks broken. My stomach roils.
The woman is wheezing, her chest heaving as she gasps for air.
The room is rank with the sweet, sticky smell of sweat and sex. His pheromones, and her fear.
Rhett grabs me, says something, but I don’t move. I can’t. I faintly hear his footsteps fade, but I am frozen in place, gaping at the macabre scene ahead of me.
Horrible sounding whimpers come out of the woman. Her entire body starts to shake. I am awestruck, completely transfixed on the scene before me. Am I watching someone die?
She jerks, violently.
I realize she is having an orgasm.
The man releases a bone-chilling howl as he comes with her.
My knees weaken. My pulse hammers between my legs. My privates are wet, swollen and throbbing. I stumble backward, slamming into the door frame. The woman’s face turns toward me.
“Harris,” she hisses.
Holy shit.The masked man is Dr. Harris Taylor, Jesse’s father.
And then it hits me—the long, red hair. The woman, Harris’s mistress, is their neighbor, Gloria. The same woman who watches from the windows. Dr. Harris and his neighbor are part of the satanic sex club my hairdresser had warned me about. The one I dismissed as a rumor.
I am suddenly yanked backward with such force that my teeth chatter.
“Run!” Rhett hisses in my ear.
We sprint down the hallway, down the stairs, through the kitchen and laundry room, and burst out the back door. I trip down the steps, into Rhett’s arms. He steadies me, yanking me back into place, and we stumble through the darkness to the Jeep.
My heart feels like it is about to burst out of my chest as I start the engine.
“Go, go, go,go.”
I slam the gas, fishtailing on loose dirt before straightening again. Dr. Taylor bursts out the front door, mask off, clothes haphazardly strewn over his body.
“What thehellwere you doing?” Rhett yells at me—actuallyyellsat me—as I watch Harris’s silhouette fade in the rearview mirror. “I told you to stay right behind me! I thought you followed me out!”
“I’m sorry!” I yell back, tears stinging my eyes. He is so mad at me.
“Dammit, Sylvia.” Rhett scrubs his hands over his face. “I told you to stay outside. There’s no question they saw you.”
Rage mixes with the embarrassment. “Listen, I’m sorry, alright? You can’t just leave me out in the damn woods in the middle of the night.”
“I should have never…” he sneers between grinding teeth.
“You should have never what?”