Page 1 of If By Chance
Six years ago.
I stay still, not breathing as I slowly come around from a brief doze.
“Dead,” the little voice repeats.
We’re in a cemetery. Everyone is dead.
I risk peeking through one eye, but the sun is blinding. I put a hand over my eyes. Sight finally adjusting, I dig my palms into the grass and shoot upright, pressing my back against the stone.
Blue eyes greet me.
They look like mine, and it takes a moment to realize I’m not dreaming.
His dark hair falls over his forehead, and it’s long over his ears. He giggles at my fright.
I shake my head. “No. I’m not dead.”
He presses a chubby palm over his mouth, shoulders shaking.
What’s so funny?
I fell asleep in a cemetery. My hair is in knots, and my face is blotchy from crying.
I look like a body they forgot to bury.
“Buddy, where did you go this time?” A man’s voice floats through the air.
The little boy’s eyes widen.
“Dada,” he says, pointing in the voice’s direction.
Heat floods my cheeks.
I look like a mess, I’ve fallen asleep at my best friend’s grave, and I’m pretty sure I’m still drunk from my college graduation celebrations last night.
I hold my finger over my mouth.
“Go,” I urge him. “Your dad is looking for you.”
He giggles again.
Please go, kid.
Footsteps grow closer.
“Quick,” I beg.
He needs to leave before his father thinks I’m trying to kidnap him.
I should have stayed dead.
He plucks a star-shaped sticker from his little t-shirt and sticks it to my forehead.
Shocked, I glance around. “Thanks.”