Page 128 of If By Chance
Now I really roll my eyes. “How about you step out of the dark ages, old man? People don’t have to be married to have babies.”
He tsks. “Young people.” I swallow the water before I spit it out. “I know that. Me and Jess weren’t married when Jay-Jay was born, but I always thought if I did it again, I’d like to have what I had the first time, and marriage isn’t on the cards. Not for me. Nobody gets that lucky twice.”
His gaze turns somber, and it takes all my power not to reach out and touch him.
“Don’t rule it out. Nobody knows what tomorrow brings. Or today. You might leave this house today and meet the next love of your life.” Thinking of him spending the rest of his life alone makes me oddly uneasy.
He runs his fingers over his lips. “You’re a romantic.”
I shrug my left shoulder. “What’s life without some romance?”
Something dark and hungry flickers in his eyes, dancing over my skin. I take a deep breath because my lungs are suddenly burning.
“I didn’t see you yesterday?” It’s a dangerous question because I probably won’t like the answer.
He flinches, closing his eyes to hide the guilt.
“Processing,” he admits so low I hardly hear it.
Yeah, me too.
I get it.
Casting my eyes to the ground, I grab my headphones. “I better go, or I’ll never be back in time to get ready for work.” I don’t look at him because my chest is heaving.
One look from him and everything tingles.
But as I try to walk away, the block that is Jake Williams stands in my way. I try to step around him, but he mirrors my feet.
Craning my neck back to look at him, I blow out a dramatic sigh. “I don’t enjoy dancing, big man.”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“For a run,” I say slowly, in case he’s hard of hearing.
His expression remains impassive. He’s unreadable, but he’s so close that his scent invades my senses, making my head spin.
“There’s a gym down the hall.”
“Well observed,” I reply, trying to keep my voice from breaking.
“Use it.”
“I like running in the fresh air.”
Still staring.
Still making my stomach tie in knots.
But I refuse to look away before he does.
“It’s dark outside. I don’t think a run is the best idea given your current predicament.”
This is why I tried to be quiet coming down here. I wanted to get out for my run and back before he woke. But the look he’s giving me is pure steel, unwavering as he flashes a shadow of a smirk.
He knows he’s right.
Iknow he’s right, but I don’t want to admit it.