Page 137 of If By Chance
I whimper as he backs away. He continues to stare at me as he lifts the same finger and sucks on it like it’s the sweetest candy.
My mouth gapes open with a pop before he curls two fingers below my chin, pressing my lips together again.
“Closed, sweetheart. It’s far too tempting hanging open like that.”
I blink, coming back to my surroundings.
Did I just dream that?
Embarrassment floods my face, but there’s no sign from the guys that they noticed anything. I hear a stupid joke floating in the air, followed by hysterical laughter.
But nothing is funny, and I’m suddenly dealing with a heaviness in my pelvis.
Adjusting himself in his slacks, Jake grabs his beer, pokes my nose, and walks away, quickly re-joining the group.
Catching my breath, my teeth grind together so hard I’m surprised they don’t crack before grabbing my water and forgetting the popcorn.
I’m not hungry anymore.
I’m about to storm out when Sam pipes up. “You going to bed, Claire?”
My eyes zone in on the troublemaker, sitting back in his chair and scanning me like we share a secret.
Because we do.
Never dropping my gaze from Jake, I answer, “Not yet. I’m doing some D.I.Y.”
I shut the door as he sputters on his beer.
I hate thunder.
It’s a stupid childhood fear I can’t shake. But being left out in a storm all night as an eight-year-old stayed with me.
Everything is trembling, and deep breathing or music isn’t helping.
I’m tempted to go downstairs again and distract myself by playing the piano. It always helps, but I don’t want to interrupt the guys.
My head snaps back as my door opens. I can only see his silhouette in the darkness.
I smile, though he probably can’t see it.
It’s embarrassing. He shouldn’t see me on the brink of a panic attack.
“What are you doing here?”
He steps into the room, and it suddenly feels smaller.
I need more space, not less.
My breath is shaky when he pushes my hair back from my shoulders.
“You’re scared of thunder.”
I stay still, afraid that if I move, the sob bubbling in my throat will escape.