Page 160 of If By Chance
I don’t have the brain capacity to process the compliment.
“Claire, if you could make your way onto the stage,” Nora continues, my heart pounding so hard it’s hurting.
The spotlight swings around, blinding me, and every head in the room spins toward me.
“Oh, shit.” I sigh, standing on shaky legs, and contorting my face into another unnatural smile.
Swallowing my nerves, I press my palm against the back of my chair, eyes darting from Alex and Jake.
“I swear, I will castrate both of you if your arms aren’t sore from holding them up by the time this is over.”
Mandy winks. “Are you sure, though? That man over there is already holding up his hand.”
A chill runs down my spine as I follow the direction she’s nodding. I spoke with him earlier, and he followed me to two other conversations, sweating through his tight tuxedo, and laughing at everything I said, like I was the most entertaining human to ever exist.
I’m mildly amusing at best.
He was a nice guy, but I don’t want to dance with him.
“I’m kidding.” Mandy laughs, rubbing my arm supportively. “We’ve got you.”
It’s for charity.
It’s fine.
It’s really fine.
I’m not sure how much a measly dance can raise, but every little helps, right?
Jake presses his palm against my lower back, guides me over the white sparkling dance floor, and toward the stage. I’ve never been more grateful for his hand because I’m sure I’m as unsteady as a newborn giraffe.
Through a fake smile, I mutter, “You’re pissing another circle around me, aren’t you?”
I meant it playfully, but when his fingers grip my waist possessively, spinning me around to face him, there’s nothing playful about how his jaw tenses. The spotlight is still on us, but I suddenly don’t care when he looks at me with so much heat, he could set the building on fire.
He leans an inch closer. Not enough for everyone to notice but enough for my stomach to churn with a ball of nerves. “You’re beautiful, sexy as hell, and one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. Go up there and own it. I’ve told you before that you’re too goddamn beautiful to hang your head. You’re doing the world an injustice by hiding yourself.”
I’ve never wanted his mouth on me as badly as I do right now. I’m more than willing to let him claim me.
“Jake,” I whisper, knowing there’s eyes on us everywhere, and not all are strangers. His family is here.
But his eyes are only on me.
And I feel them everywhere.
My heart is hammering in my chest for a different reason now, and it has nothing to do with the possibility of dancing with the sweaty man, but everything to do with the amber eyes and delicate brush of knuckles down my arm.
“But don’t be mistaken, Claire,” he continues. “I’ll sit back and watch these men practically drool over you, but I’m taking you home. Then I’m finally going to strip you of this dress, and I’m going to fuck you until it’s my name you’re screaming from that beautiful mouth.”
My eyes flutter before I blink the fog away, shifting to ease the throb between my legs.
I’ve never wanted to leave a party so fast.
“Mr. Williams, you’ll have to let her go if we intend on finishing this auction,” Nora pipes through the speaker.
Ignoring the furious blush spreading across my cheeks, he leans back and winks.
“Go,” he orders as one corner of his mouth curls into a soft smile. “And for fuck’s sake, don’t start laughing.”