Page 162 of If By Chance
I would have danced with him for free.
But, oh, my poor heart goes and swells so much I can hardly breathe.
Nora stutters before gathering herself and rattling out the words faster than I’ve ever heard her speak. “Sold. Congratulations Mr. Williams.”
There are cheers and hollers from all directions, but I hardly hear them as Nora takes my arm and practically pulls me down the steps and back onto the floor of the rooftop.
The music starts again, and people are already making their way back onto the dance floor.
“Nora,” I call, forcing her to face me. “Why didn’t you tell me you were doing that?”
“All to prove a point.”
My eyes almost jump right out of my head. “What point? How to induce a panic attack?”
Blowing a long breath, she leans in close, her eyes glancing over my shoulder. I know it’s Jake on his way to claim his prize.
Her speech is hurried, her expression turning serious. “We’re in a room full of stunning people, yet his eyes have followed every step you made tonight. I’ve been around for a long time. It’s not just a spark between you two. And you’re only kidding yourselves by thinking you’re hiding whatever it is you two have going on.” A slow grin edges on her lips, but it’s forced, and I know he’s close. “This is my point. You two. Together. I knew what the outcome would be. He may have just spent thirty thousand dollars for a dance, but there’s no limit to what he would have paid to make sure someone else doesn’t touch you. You’re a smart girl. Open. Your. Eyes.”
With a dip of her chin, she turns and walks away, leaving me reeling and stuck to one spot.
She’s right.
We’ve been doing a very poor job of pretending.
There’s no room left for argument in the circus we performed in tonight.
“That was a big circle you pissed around me,” I whisper, feeling him tower over me at my back.
His breath is on my neck when he rasps, “I’m not in the habit of sharing what’s mine.”
The tingles when he calls me that knock me back, my knees almost lock.
“You’re an idiot. That’s a ridiculous amount of money for a stupid dance,” I say, hating when I hear the wobble in my voice. But I can’t look at him.
I’ve been denying the truth of it.
But this truth doesn’t set me free.
It’s breaking my already fragile heart.
“Another man isn’t getting his hands on you, Claire.”
Grabbing my waist, he spins me around and presses his hand on the small of my back.
“Where are we going?” I ask as we shuffle forward.
“I’m getting you the hell out of here.”
I was hoping he’d say that.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Something’s changed.
In me.