Page 166 of If By Chance
It’s always too much.
I slow, adjusting to the feel of him.
He watches as I lower myself, dark eyes branding every inch of me.
Blistering hands press against the flesh of my waist as he leans forward, our pants a whisper against each other’s lips.
Skin to skin, he holds the side of my head, stilling me before I sink impossibly deeper, but he doesn’t stop watching me.
“What are you doing to me, Claire?”
I’m not sure if there’s pain or surprise in his eyes, but it leaves a fear-soaked lump in my throat.
What are you doing to me, Jake?
We’re ruining each other.
One broken soul seeking to be mended by another when we know it’s impossible.
But we’re diving in anyway.
Consequences be damned.
Arm around my waist, he cages me against his body as I move.
A tender touch of his thumb along my lips, and he parts them only to replace the touch with his mouth. This time my moans don’t echo around the room because he devours each one.
Tongues fighting for dominance, we fall into a familiar wildness. His groan vibrates in my mouth as my core clenches around him.
I hold tighter to his shoulders.
One sure thrust after another renders me senseless, and my thighs quiver.
“Jake, I’m going—”
He doesn’t let me finish. Our kisses are too greedy.
I can’t breathe.
I don’t think he can either.
But we don’t care.
We’re breathing for each other.
We’re each other’s life support.
My scream is muffled against his mouth as the heat between my legs builds and builds. A shudder crawls up my back. My nails mark his skin, and my lips are swollen from his kiss, but I only feel him.
His body remains stone as I liquify. With the aftershocks of the orgasm, I shudder against his mouth.
Hardly catching my breath, he presses up on his feet while still inside me, hissing as my high heels dig into his back.
“What are you doing?”
“Bringing you to my bed.”
We don’t make it.