Page 186 of If By Chance
“A little flushed,” I admit.
His deep chuckle does little to help.
He motions circles with his thumb around my skin. “We’re almost there.”
I have no idea where we are. We passed houses, but it’s only been trees for minutes.
Back to his tree fetish.
He pulls onto a dirt road, canopied by oak trees in full bloom, blocking the sun. It’s chilly in the shade.
Stopping outside a farm gate, he tilts his head and gets out.
What is this place?
I offer a weary smile when he opens the car door for me and grabs a cardboard tube from the back.
He unlocks the bolt on the gate. Confused and still a little heated from his touch, he grabs my hand and walks me into the center of a field.
This is what he wanted to show me?
The land is vast. Tall grass tickles my calves, and the sound of birds is peaceful.
But I’m no less confused than I was when he asked me to come with him.
“Explain yourself.”
Stepping closer, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and feathers a finger over my bottom lip.
“It’s the site for the new shelter.”
My jaw goes slack, but nothing comes out of my mouth. Stepping back from his hold, I spin around, utterly dazed and astonished by the sheer size of this place.
“It’s huge.”
He removes the cap on the cardboard tube and pulls out a large sheet.
Laying it on the grass, he flattens either side with his phone and car keys.
Floor plans.
“That’s what you were doing with Alex before the auction,” I say, suddenly realizing.
“This one is a joint effort.”
I watch in amazement as his excitement pumps through his blood. Passion drips from every word as he walks me around, showing me exactly where everything is going to be.
I don’t speak. I’m afraid if I do, I’ll ruin it, or the emotions boiling in my throat will sneak past my defenses.
“We’ll have private apartments, but we want to build some small houses on the far end of the site,” he continues.
I drink in every word, unable to take my eyes off him. He takes my hand and stands right in the center.
“And right here, Ms. Russell, is the music room.”
My hand falls to my side again.