Page 204 of If By Chance
The sounds of pianos and guitars float from the background.
“Please,” I agree.
There’s silence for what feels like forever, but the second I hear her voice, the break comes. “Hey, Claire Bear.”
I sob until the air is leaving my lungs in pants.
She remains calm. “Oh, baby girl, are you okay?”
I bite down on my lip, knowing it will kill her if I tell her. “I’m just having a day, is all. I wanted to hear your voice.”
She sounds good.
She sounds healthy.
“I’ve had my fair share of those. Come visit?”
“I will, Mama. I promise.”
I would give the world to have her in my arms right now.
I wanted to hear her voice. I needed to know she was safe.
“Deep breath, baby girl,” she instructs when my exhale is shaky. “You don’t have to talk. Just keep me on the phone. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Thanks, Mama,” I stutter, keeping her on the line as I drive in silence and feel the world fall apart around me.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Hannah stares over the cot at her new sister.
“We should call her Hannah, Mom,” she suggests, grimacing when the baby wails.
Beth picks her up and rests her against her shoulder until her cries subside.
“I think one Hannah is more than enough.” Beth laughs.
“Here.” Hannah holds out her hands and rests her precious bunny on the bed. “She can have this.”
My heart swells.
“You don’t have to do that, baby. It’s your bunny,” Beth says, pulling her into a hug. “No, it’s hers. I got mine when I was a baby. She needs one too.”
Jesus, don’t cry, Claire.
Anything could set me off this evening. I’m emotionally drained. I can’t think straight. Even the beautiful bundle in Beth’s arms isn’t enough of a distraction.
Standing, I run my fingers through Hannah’s hair. “It’ll be dark soon. We should go.”
Beth and I share a look.
I want to get her back to the safety of the shelter.
I also want to go home and sleep for days, but I have too much to sort through.
I want Jake most of all.
His arms will fix some of the cracks.