Page 224 of If By Chance
There’s silence for a moment, and I’m not sure if I’ve drifted off again.
“Physically, she’s okay. Her bruises may take some weeks to fully fade. I’m not concerned about her physical state. She arrived to us very traumatized.” There’s another pause. “But the police will want to speak to her.”
My moan scrapes through the air.
I don’t feel Hannah’s weight anymore.
“Where is she?” I cry, but I hardly hear myself.
“Hush.” Amy takes my hand. “She’s okay. She’s with Beth.”
I still smell smoky.
My eyes are too heavy when I ask, “Where’s Jake?”
I need him.
“I’m here, sweetheart.” His touch brings me round.
I can’t be out long. I still feel my dress on my skin.
It stings when I open my eyes to stare at white walls.
“I want to go home,” I croak, hating when my sound isn’t stronger yet.
Jake turns toward the doctor. “Is she cleared to leave?”
“Well, yes, but the police will want to speak to her.”
He plucks a business card from his pocket. “Give them this.” Eyes on me, he says, “Head down, baby.” He tucks one arm around my back, and the other under my knees as he lifts me. I bury my head in his neck, distracting myself with his scent. Smoke may overpower it, but I can still get a hint of cedarwood and peppermint.
“What are you doing?” the doctor asks.
His answer rolls from his lips like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Bringing her home. Anyone has any problems, give them my number. They know where to find her.”
The bustle of the hospital disappears as he walks away with me.
I was right.
His arms are the safest place to be.
“Drink it, sweetheart.” Jake holds a glass of water toward me as the tablets settle in my mouth. The smoky clothes are gone.
I drink the water to rid the taste of the medication.
I don’t like medication.
It’s going to make me sleepy.
I need a shower.
“I want to have a shower.”
“You can,” he agrees. “Sleep first.”
He kisses my forehead as I drift off into the familiar feel of his pillowcase, but I don’t think I sleep long before I’m up again, clawing at the pajamas I don’t remember changing into and switching on the shower. My hair still reeks.