Page 238 of If By Chance
“We found it in each other.”
He meets me halfway when I reach up and kiss him. I don’t want to believe it’s the last time. It can’t be.
“You use that voice of yours for everyone else. It’s time to scream for you. Find you. Look in the mirror and see you. See what I see because when you do, you’ll see that you’re perfect. And I can’t wait to witness it.”
I try to find strength in my worn-out voice to say, “Tell Jay-Jay to keep practicing. I want to hear every song when I get back.”
He blows out a shaky breath, and it zings across my skin, making me tingle. “We’ll be here.”
Building the courage, I finally step away. His grip on me takes a little longer to release.
I follow him, step by step, knowing with each one, I’m staying behind.
“Jake,” I call before he gets in the car. “It was real.”
A gentle smile curves on the corner of his mouth. “It was real, baby. And don’t disappear on me completely. Check in while seeing the world.”
Tears cascade over the corners of my smile as I nod. He opens his mouth to say something else but quickly stops.
He shakes his head. “Never mind. It’s nothing. Tell me something good.”
I close my eyes and inhale, feeling a small crack in my chest suddenly become full. My answer is obvious because it’s been there since the day they walked into my life. “You and that boy of yours.”
Smile dropping, he takes a step forward, but I shake my head and stop him.
I don’t want to, but I have to.
They both deserve more of me than what’s on offer right now.
“Your turn.”
He winks. “Smile for me.”
I roll my eyes and force my lips upward.
It hurts.
“A real one,” he grumbles, but that smirk hasn’t left his lips, and despite the hammering in my chest, the knot in my stomach, and the burning in my eyes, I smile.
I swear, I hear my cheeks creek like old floorboards.
He swallows.
I swallow harder.
I inhale.
He sighs.
“I got to see you smile today. That’s my something good. It always is.”
Content, he nods before getting in his car and driving away.
I can only watch as he takes my heart with him.
I’ll get better.