Page 240 of If By Chance
I didn’t know she was in this cemetery.
He points. “There.”
That could be anyone.
Standing, I brush the grass from my jeans, only to be met with a familiar grey judgment.
Scowl a permanent fixture, she blinks at me slowly. “You are the last person I expected to see here. What are you doing?”
She makes me nervous.
I point down. “Visiting my best friend. What are you doing?”
She peeks over the two back-to-back stones before pointing at the ground she’s standing on. “Visitingmybest friend.”
We stare for a moment, confusion muffling the truth.
Like mirror images, our mouths fall open.
“No,” we gasp in unison.
She’s been right there all this time.
Jess and Nick, back-to-back.
My legs are slow to move, but when they do, I’m staring at her picture. Beautiful auburn curls, the kindest smile, and the brightest blue eyes.
They’re not mine.
They’re Jay-Jay’s.
“This is unbelievable.” Sharon darts her eyes between me and the picture.
I suddenly feel shy and awkward.
She waves a finger. “Claire, this is Jess. Jess, this is Claire. Bet you’ve been haunting her, right?”
Horrified, my eyes almost bulge out of my head.
She squeezes my arm, throwing her head back and laughing. “I’m joking, Claire. Truth is, she probably would have liked you more than me.”
I highly doubt it.
Jay-Jay tugs at my arm, breaking me out of my shock.
“Dad said you’re leaving for a while. When will you be back?”
Looking up to control the threatening tears, I take his hand, choosing to be honest with him. “I don’t know, sweetheart. But I know I’m going to miss you so much.”
His smile is too sad. I wish there was music here. We could dance our sorrows away.
“Maybe I can ask Ava’s mom to call you when we visit the beach, or I could ask Dad if I can video call you?”