Page 250 of If By Chance
If it’s judgment you’re worried about, then don’t. She’s never judged you. It’s not in her nature. It’s not who she is.
If you’re ever ready, all you have to do is call.
Best wishes,
Jake Williams.
This won’t make sense, but when you’re through this, and you get to hold your daughter again, you can ask her about it. But I think I started falling in love with Claire from the moment she smiled at me with sugar on her lips.
Chapter Fifty-Five
The smell of the surrounding oak trees washes over me with familiar heat.
After reading his letter, I had to see him. I need him to know. I need to see it in his eyes.
It’s Friday night, so Jay-Jay is probably with his grandparents. His car is here, but there’s no answer on this goddamn door.
Oh, shit.
What if he has a woman in there?
Bile rises in my throat.
Walk away, Claire.
Walk. Away.
Jittery and resigned, I turn back to go to my car but stop dead in my tracks when I hear the door swing open.
“Can I help you?”
That’s not Jake’s voice.
I spin around.
“Logan,” I breathe.
His eyes go wide as he steps back. “Claire?”
Poker night.
Embarrassed, I wave my hand at him and try my best to smile. My cheeks are wet with tears, and I’m standing in the freezing cold with no coat.
He’s going to think I’m losing it again.
“I can come back another time. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
He takes a step forward. “Claire, please. He’ll kill me if he knows you were here, and I let you leave. Come in.”
Laughing nervously, I waver in my steps, not sure if I’m ready for the tsunami of memories that awaits me inside.
A furious blush rushes over my skin. “It’s okay. I think I’ll just wait out here.”
He’s about to object, but I wrap my arms around myself and keep my feet planted on the ground.