Page 26 of If By Chance
“I thought he wanted to remain anonymous?”
She shrugs her narrow shoulders. “Plans change. You can save any questions for Mr. Williams.”
Mr. Williams?
I gawk at her, swallowing the hard lump of unease lodged in my throat, and fumble with the cuffs of my blouse. “You could have warned me.”
“That’s no fun.”
Biting the inside of my cheek to stop more questions from spilling out, I stand straight and inhale a steadying breath. She won’t give me more answers until I meet him.
“I told you about the new education program for the women,” she continues, strolling toward the double doors. My heart races with every step.
I can do this.
“The shelter is close enough to the city for access to colleges. At the moment, we have two community colleges involved in the program and the city university. The city has what we need—transport, easy access, schools for the children. There’s daycare inside for the children who are too young for school. Not all of the women choose to go back into education. It’s an option, but one they don’t have to accept. Some take internships, some are just trying to get back into the workforce, and some already had jobs coming here. Whatever they want to do to build a life for when they leave, we support them.” She takes a deep breath and rests her hands on my upper arms.
“Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think you were capable. You won’t be on your own in there. You have two caseworkers working with you. The support staff is here at night, should anyone need them. They’re one big family. You’ll add that extra edge. I just know it.” She cups the side of my face with her small palm before brushing my hair off my shoulder. “You’re a hard worker, Claire, but don’t forget about yourself in there. Working with these women may be hard for you, and I know some of their stories will bring back painful memories. When things get too heavy, don’t forget to take a moment for yourself.”
I force a small smile before nodding.
“Now,” Nora pats me on the back, “Pull yourself together, dear. Nerves don’t suit you.”
I huff and smooth imaginary wrinkles out of my shirt. But there’s more. There’s always more. I can tell by how her nose wrinkles, making the small lines on the corners of her mouth more noticeable.
“You need to cut your hair.”
Not this again.
For almost fourteen years she’s asked me to cut my hair, and for fourteen years, I’ve given her the same answer.
“No.” I roll my eyes. “I’m waiting for my knight in shining armor to come and rescue me from my tower. Anyway, I got a trim last week. It’s not that long.”
She digs a finger into my lower back, forcing me to walk toward the door. “It’s almost touching your bottom. Which…” She tilts her head, and I know exactly what she’s looking at.
“My ass is fine. It’s the same size as the last time you saw it,” I cut her off.
She winks. “It gives the men a little something to hold on to, dear.”
“Nora.” I gasp, shocked that such words come out of a woman with so much elegance. Her narrow shoulders vibrate, and she tugs me forward while linking her arm inside my elbow.
“Don’tNorame. I’ve been around a lot longer than you.”
I don’t even know why she surprises me anymore.
“I missed you,” I whisper, pressing my head against hers as we walk.
I see the hint of a blush on her cheeks, and she squeezes my arm as a security guard dips his chin in a greeting when we walk inside.
“Boys.” She waves her hello to the two security guards standing around the lobby.
“Mrs. Johnson,” they reply.
“Why is there so much security?” I lean toward her and ask under my breath. I eye the big machines. “And metal detectors?”
Nora leads us around them without any protest from security.
“This building houses women coming out of some of the most harrowing situations I’ve ever seen. We want them to feel safe. You’ll meet Sam at some stage. He’s our liaison police officer. We thought having a familiar face rather than different officers would settle any nerves with women who choose to come forward and press charges. Or if there’s any threat to the shelter, we call him. Thankfully, we haven’t had any.”