Page 30 of If By Chance
Small victories.
“Hi,” I greet the young woman behind the desk. I don’t even have to introduce myself because my heavy panting and disheveled appearance give me away.
“Ms. Russell.” She nods curtly, her voice even. Her eyes go to the large office behind me, the person inside hidden by frosted glass. “Mr. Williams is waiting. You can go right in.”
I take a deep breath and attempt to smooth out my blouse, but it’s no use.
I look like shit.
“Thank you,” I breathe, swallowing my nerves and ignoring various eyes on me as I walk to the office.
I tap my knuckles against the glass door, and my eyes immediately go to the tall figure with his back to me, staring out the window and onto the city streets.
Can he even see anything from up this high?
He’s not old with grey hair.
And he is most definitely not overweight.
It would be easier to relax if I couldn’t see his muscles strain against his tailored suit jacket when he crosses his arms over his chest.
I clear my throat. “Mr. Williams?”
Then my eyes go to the lady sitting on the chair.
I offer an apologetic smile because I promised to be on time and I’m not. She winks at me, and my shoulders relax an inch.
“You’re late.” His voice is low, raspy, arrogant, and does little to ease my spiraling nerves.
Choosing honesty, I admit, “Sorry, I’m not used to city traffic.”
“I hope you’ll run the shelter with more diligence, Ms. Russell.”
I swear, I think my mouth just hit the expensive carpet.
Nora’s shoulders tense when she says, “Everything okay, Claire?”
Nodding, I hold my breath, my eyes still transfixed on the back of his head.
Then he turns, and I know I’m wrong. Now my mouth hits the carpet. It may have even broken through the floor and is resting in an office below.
His hair is so dark it’s almost black, but the ray of light shining through the window shows it’s darker brown. Brows pulled together; he stares through scrutinizing eyes. Every feature sits on a perfectly chiseled face, and full lips merely twitch at my shock.
I blink.
He blinks harder.
I inhale.
He sighs.
Only for his jaw tenses, I’d think he doesn’t see me.