Page 78 of If By Chance
I shake my head because I can’t say it.
I can’t give it air because it will ignite, and I’ll be the one to burn in the flames.
“I need you to promise me,” I repeat, skin burning from his touch, but he doesn’t let go. “I’m here to help her, but I can’t do that if I’m worried about what you’re doing. It won’t help her case if you go after him.”
His chest is heaving, and I can’t tell which emotion will win the war he’s waging. Pressing my palm to his chest, his heart races against my fingers. “Trust me, Jake. Eliminating the monster doesn’t banish the demons. Promise me you won’t go after him. Not now.”
His thumb traces over my lower lip, and I allow myself a moment to fall into his touch. Fingers curling into his shirt, I’m urging him to speak.
Say it, Jake.
Please say it.
Hand cupping the side of my face, his words bring me little comfort, but I have to accept it. “For now. I promise.”
Chapter Fifteen
My ringing phone pulls me from my sleep. Trying to see with one eye still closed, I fumble to catch it before it vibrates off my bedside table.
Staying up most of the night, I called the night staff every hour to check on Beth. It was at least five before I got to sleep, too busy tossing and turning to close my eyes. When I did, vivid dreams haunted me until I woke in a cold sweat. But even now, as I catch sight of Sam’s name on my screen, a pair of troubled eyes still occupy my thoughts.
After leaving my office, I resisted the urge to call or text Jake, knowing that if I wanted him to trust me to help Beth, I needed to trust him to keep his word. There was already enough blood spilled without adding his blood to the mix. The thought alone makes me nauseous.
He’s right. Rob is getting away with this for far too long, and with it, he’s grown confident. Too cocky. In his eyes, he’s untouchable. He has people in his corner. People—I think—are just as responsible as him for every vicious word and shattering punch.
Jake’s anger isn’t impulsive. He’s harbored this for years and allowed it to fester. It’s too deep. Too embedded in him to step away. But it’s dangerous—for everyone.
And yet, I can’t blame him.
I was there.
Trying to rid the world of a monster.
But there’s always more.
Swallowing the bile in my throat, I throw my covers back before sitting up and answering the call.
“Hey, Sam.” My voice is hardly a whisper, tiredness creeping in and making it break.
“Sorry, Claire. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t,” I lie. I’ll need to skip my run this morning. Although, I’m pretty sure my body is too exhausted to even attempt it. “I’m leaving soon.” Putting the phone on speaker, I run the shower and brush my teeth. “Are you at the shelter?”
“On my way. We have two officers at his house, but nobody’s home. Given the information I have on this asshole, I’m going to guess he knew we were coming.”
“I’ll be there soon. I’ll come with Beth.”
“Great. See you soon.”
“Sam,” I stop him before he ends the call. “How’s April?”
This can’t be easy on her either, knowing the man that abused her sister is back.
“Planning a murder.”
“Well, I guess she’s lucky she married a cop.”