Page 92 of If By Chance
Instead, I say, “Fine.”
She laughs under her breath, like she knows exactly what I’m thinking. “There’s a casserole in the fridge. I can heat it in the oven if you’d like? Jake isn’t exactly a domestic god.”
I laugh as I hang my coat on the hook. “That’s kind of you. Thank you. But I ate at work.”
She smiles again, not fazed, before putting the cleaning products back in the cupboard.
“Do you take care of Jay-Jay every day?”
A proud smile graces her lips. “It’s the best job in the world. Jake wanted to hire a nanny when he was little, and I wasn’t having any of it. Now I just mind him after school. To be honest, there are so many of us looking for his attention. I’m surprised Jake gets any time with him. He’s a good father. He made a lot of sacrifices to be at home as much as possible. But he’s a businessman, and on nights like tonight, when he can’t help it and needs to work late, I prefer to come here so I can cook. At least I know Jake is eating a home-cooked meal.”
How sweet.
“He’s lucky to have you.”
Her eyes glaze over for a moment. “We’re lucky to have them.”
Sniffing the fresh flowers she places in a vase, I ask, “Any idea what’s up with Jay-Jay today?”
She shrugs before putting her hands on her hips. “He’s been like that since I picked him up from school. He wouldn’t tell me.”
I chew my lower lip between my teeth.
“Don’t worry, honey. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
I force a small smile, knowing his tears weren’t nothing.
“It looks like there’s a storm coming. You should go home before it hits. I can watch Jay-Jay.”
She thinks about it for a moment before peering through the window and into the angry sky. “You don’t mind? Jake may be a while longer.”
“Honestly, it’s fine. It will make me feel useful.”
The wrinkles around her eyes set deep as she grins. After grabbing her coat, she squeezes my shoulder. “You’re a good girl.”
I instantly feel like a child.
“Maybe he’ll open up to you,” she adds.
When Rose leaves, I ponder back into the living room. He’s still holding the book but not reading it. So much contemplating for someone so young.
I sit on the sofa, careful of the dry paint on my clothes. I really need a shower.
“What are you reading?”
He jerks back. He didn’t even notice me come in here.
A small smile curls on the corner of his mouth. From the pictures I’ve seen, he looks exactly like his mom. Just as beautiful as her, too. But that smile is all Jake, and I find myself smiling in return.
“Harry Potter. It’s just the first one. Dad won’t allow me to read the others until I get a little older.” Another sad sigh.
I roll my eyes. “Muggles.”
His face lights up. That smile I missed this evening flashes at me, and I feel some tension roll off my shoulders. But as soon as it crosses his face, it falters again. Chin quivering, he coughs to hide his sniffles.
I don’t comment on his tears because I don’t want to embarrass him, so instead, I ask, “Everything’s good at school, right? Is someone bothering you?”