Page 104 of Dreams of Magic
“Oh, all the time. I never started it though. That was dad’s one rule about fighting. Don’t instigate a fight if you can walk away. And Aiden always had my back.” He had a small smile on his face like he was remembering the past.
“That’s a good rule to have. Then and now.” She thought it should be a life rule, one she would remember.
Chris smiled, “Definitely a rule to live by.”
Felicity returned with their food, and they all dug in. She was starving after the long morning, like always. She was so glad wolves had a fast metabolism.
As they ate, she started thinking about the things they’d learned today. The way their magic worked, and what Rhiannon had said.
She looked at Chris, “Could you tell me more about the way we were created?”
He finished his bite before replying, “You mean werewolves?”
She nodded, “Yea. I really don’t know much about it.”
“Well, it was a really long time ago. We’re not exactly sure when but the histories show the first witch and sorcerer were from ancient Rome. Sometime after Marc Antony but before Marcus Aurelius.” He paused and took another bite.
She thought about her history classes for a minute, “That’s a huge gap, isn’t it?”
He shrugged, “Yea, like I said, we’re not really sure. We also don’t know if they were actually the first witch and sorcerer, just that they are the first of our history. Though, if you look, there are mentions of magics and witches in every country all over the world going all the way back in time.”
Marshall chimed in, “I’ve never believed they were truly the first. I think it’s just what we call them because it’s easier for our history.”
“Exactly.” Chris continued, “As far as the story goes, they were both witches. A male and a female, who were madly in love. But something tore them apart and the man turned bitter and angry. He let those negative feelings fester and eventually turned sorcerer. It is said that this started a war between the two. They both created their armies. The sorcerer created vampires and the witch created werewolves.”
Chris started eating again so Marshall picked up the story, “The two factions fought each other for centuries, neither ever winning. The first werewolves and vampires were not very civilized. They did what their masters told them, but the carnage on both sides was astronomical. After a few generations, they grew to control themselves and their instincts better. They were more like humans than animals. Eventually, a treaty was signed for peace. Both sides were tired, and the humans had started to notice. After that, things become a little murky again.”
Kenzie looked down at her plate only to realize she’d already finished her food while she was listening. This was all so fantastic, like one of the books she liked to read. It didn’t seem like it could be real.
Chris took over the story again, “At this point, the first witch hadn’t been seen for years. It seemed her right hand had taken over control of her armies. So once the treaty was signed, territories were divided and claimed. There has been relative peace ever since. But the witch was never seen again, and the sorcerer was said to disappear shortly after. No one knows what happened to them.”
“Wow. That is incredible. They couldn’t possibly still be alive right?” She knew they had long lives, but millennia didn’t seem possible.
Chris shook his head, “No. None of us are immortal, though some like to believe it. Sorcerers and vampires are the longest lived. Sorcerers extend their lives by black magic. Since vampires were created from their blood, they are also abnormally long lived. But they do eventually die. The oldest vampire I ever met died five years shy of a thousand years. I couldn’t say with sorcerers though, their ways are clouded in mystery.”
She shivered, “I don’t think they are a mystery I would want to solve.”
Chris chuckled, “Me neither. They are a bit too strange for my tastes. I’m okay with most witches though. Their life spans are very similar to ours, so closer to a few hundred years.”
“Aiden’s parents told me about that. I almost fell out of my chair. I’m still not sure how I feel about it.” Life could be hard with a normal human life span. Living hundreds of years could be great if you stay in a bubble of other magical people, but if you have humans in your life, you would have to watch them grow old and die.
Since humans don’t know about magic, they would only get a few years with them before they had to disappear. The whole, not aging thing would definitely be a giveaway. Uncle Jake knew about her, so at least she could keep him in her life, but she didn’t want to watch him grow old while she stayed young. It seemed unfair somehow.
When Chris replied, his voice was low, “It can be very hard sometimes.”
She reached out and took his hand, hoping to offer some comfort. Marshall took his other hand, then took hers, connecting them together.
They sat like that for a few minutes in silence, each caught in their own thoughts but finding comfort from their connection. Sitting there with them, she felt like she was home.
Just then, Felicity bounced up to their table and they broke apart, “Can I get ya’ll anything else?”
Chris smiled at her, “No thank you, we’ll take the check if you have it.”
“Here you go.” She handed him the black folder with the check, then started clearing away their plates. Holding them in one hand, she took the check back from Chris when he handed it to her. “Ya’ll have a great day. And Kenzie, don’t forget to tell that mate of yours about dinner. Mom will rip him a new one if you’re late.”
Kenzie laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll tell him, and I promise to be on time.”
“Okay great, see you later then!” She flounced off with the plates in hand.