Page 11 of Dreams of Magic
She stretched then flopped back into the pillows again. It was going to be an interesting day. Last night she decided it was time to stop being a big chicken and drive up to the pack lands to finally meet her father. It was time, even though she was terrified.
Throwing the blankets back she swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat there for a minute. Today could change everything.
Kenzie wasn’t usually good with change but, maybe that could change too. She knew she still had Uncle Jake, but that was it. Other than him, she was completely alone in the world, and it might be nice to have someone else.
She got up and took a quick shower, then stood there staring at her reflection. Makeup, or no makeup? She finally decided on a little eyeliner and mascara then quickly dried her hair, threw on some clothes, and headed into the kitchen.
If she was going to do this, she needed coffee. She filled the coffee maker with water, added a filter and coffee grounds, then left it to percolate while she got the cat food. She wasn’t sure how long she would be gone but just in case, she filled Fiona’s bowls as full as they would go.
Fiona had become very clingy last night after she’d gotten home, so she was a little worried about leaving her alone. Hearing the food in her bowls, Fiona came racing into the kitchen and ran right into Kenzie’s legs again. It was quickly becoming one of her favorite things. A connection to the clumsy kitty that she’d never had before.
Bending down, Kenzie scratched her little head and placed her bowls in front of her so she could eat. Then she grabbed a mug from the cabinet and filled it up with coffee, added a dash of cream and sugar, then took the first sip of heaven.
There was something about that first sip of coffee in the morning that was just perfect.
Not wanting to sit, she leaned back against the counter to enjoy her coffee and watch the cat eat her food. Fiona acts like she’s been starved with the way she is scarfing the food down, like someone is going to take it away any minute.
It was so relaxing, just standing there in a beam of sunlight, like it is any other day.
But she knew she was stalling. She finished her coffee then washed out the glass and put it in the drying rack.
Having delayed as long as she could, she walks over to the garage door, slides on her flats and grabs her purse and keys off the table. As she reaches for the doorknob she calls back to Fiona, “I’ll be back later, I promise!”
This time she leaves the car radio off. Because she’s not sure where she’s really going, it’s better to be able to focus.
Pulling up google maps, she quickly checks to see which road leads in the general direction that she needs to go. All Mom ever said was that her cabin sat Southeast to the pack lands, which honestly, is not that helpful. She chose the road that looked right and crossed her fingers she wouldn’t get lost.
Turns out she took the correct road. It ended at the top of a hill, which led to a driveway with a metal gate that had a wolf head carved into it. She also knew it was the right road because as she pulled up to the tall gate, a large grey and white wolf walked out of the woods on the driver’s side. Since she had her window down, she could smell that he was a werewolf, which meant he could smell her too.
She figured they wouldn’t have approached otherwise, since generally wolves walking up to a car would be terrifying to a human. With that thought in mind, she leaned her head out of the window to speak with the wolf.
“Um hi. My name is Mackenzie Lord. I... Um... Sorry, I’m looking for Christopher. Christopher Blake?” She didn’t mean to stammer, but she was nervous and that’s just how it came out.
The wolf took another sniff of the air like he was trying to place her scent, while just staring at her.
Kenzie tried again, “Please, it’s important.”
The wolf let out a little huff, then nodded his head in the direction of the driveway. Taking that as an okay, she started to pull forward slowly as the gate swung open. The wolf did not leave as she expected, instead he followed along at the driver’s side for the entire drive. As she got closer, a large two-story house came into view ahead.
The house was bigger than the surrounding buildings, so she assumed it was the main pack house where the Alpha would live with his guards. It was also where the wolf was obviously leading her, so assumed Christopher was there as well.
As they got closer, her hands began to sweat on the steering wheel. One at a time, she wiped them on her pant leg, not that it did much good.
She was so nervous. She took a deep breath as she pulled to a stop right in front of the house. Then turned off the car and carefully climbed out and closed the door, mindful that there was a very large wolf sitting five feet away from her watching every move she made.
As Kenzie watched the wolf, he started to change back into his human form. She quickly turned around to avoid getting an eye full of this random naked man. She heard a deep chuckle from behind her and then he said, “You can turn around now.”
When she turned back there was a very handsome man standing in front of her. He was tall, with a buzz cut and dark brown eyes, he only had on a pair of jeans so his whole upper torso was on display. And it was a grand display of sharp lean muscles, making it hard to look away. Luckily, he pulled on a shirt, obstructing her view and making it easier to look at his face.
Where did he get the clothes? She glanced around and noticed a small cabinet right next to the porch. Maybe they kept clothes in there for this kind of situation. It actually seemed like a really smart idea.
He had a big smirk on his face like he knew he was attractive, which was just annoying. Rolling her eyes, she asked, “So, is Christopher here?”
Smirk still in place, he nodded, “Yes. Come on, I’ll take you to him.”
Kenzie followed him up the steps and through the front door. He led her down a short hallway that had picture frames with so many different people. She wanted to stop and look at them, but the man kept walking ahead.
She followed behind him until he stopped in front of the last door. Kenzie could hear faint voices on the other side, but when he knocked, they stopped abruptly. There were light footsteps, then a moment later the door swung open to show a very handsome man.