Page 115 of Dreams of Magic
“Okay good. I’ll go find him if you want to get more rest.” He started to get up.
She shook her head, “No I’ll find him and Aiden too.”
As she started to get up, the bed behind her shifted and Sorcha sat up quickly. “Marshall?”
Kenzie hopped off the bed and rushed to the door, wanting to give them privacy, “See you guys later.”
As she headed out the front door, she heard Marshall chuckling. What happened today had been terrible and scary, but it might just bring those two together. Or she hoped, at least a little closer. She wanted them both to be happy.
The walk up to the house was a short one, thankfully. Even though it was late evening, it was still hot as an oven.
She stepped into the house and breathed a deep sigh as the air instantly cooled her skin. She looked around the front room, taking it all in. It had been almost three weeks since the first time she stepped through those doors.
In that time, it had started to feel like home.
As she walked back toward Aiden’s office, she thought about what she would do with her house if she decided to move here permanently. She could fly back for a few days to take care of packing things up and getting a real estate agent. Once the big things were done, she knew Uncle Jake would help with anything that came up.
She would keep her mom’s house though. It was a beautiful country cottage house right on the lake. She’d grown up there. It’s where most of her greatest memories were and where she still felt her mom. Her and Jake could use it as a vacation home or a retreat.
She needed to call him too and decided she would call tonight.
She reached Aiden’s office and was about to knock when she realized the door was ajar. She pushed it farther open but stopped when she saw Annabelle walking around Aiden’s desk, her finger trailing across the surface.
Kenzie trusted Aiden, but she waited anyway, wanting to see what would happen. She watched as Annabelle basically threw herself at Aiden and listened as Aiden told her he wanted nothing to do with her.
Finally, Aiden had enough “I am deadly serious Annabelle. These games you’re playing are done.” She watched him turn to leave, then stop as his eyes clashed with hers.
He stepped toward her, “Kenzie, I can explain.”
She held up a hand to silence him, “No need.” She looked at Annabelle, her eyes going hard as emeralds, “Get out.”
Annabelle scrambled off the desk and hurried to the door, but Kenzie stopped her before she could leave, “Do not ever touch my mate again.”
Her voice was a low, menacing growl. She’d stayed calm during the entire attempt at seduction, but now she let her anger show.
Annabelle huffed, “He’s not your real mate!”
Kenzie pulled the collar of her shirt down to show the spot where Aiden marked her. She’d noticed it this morning and Sorcha explained what it meant. It was a very obvious, silvery crescent moon, printed on her shoulder like a tattoo. Any werewolf who saw it would know exactly what it was.
Afterall, only true mates could leave that mark.
Annabelle gasped, “But Corine said he was just infatuated with you! She said you were not fated!”
Aiden stormed over to her and swung her around to face him, “Corine told you this?”
Annabelle nodded furiously, “Yes. Me and Gwen were talking about Mackenzie and how she waltzed in here like she owned the place and took claim of you. Corine said not to worry about it, that she wouldn’t be around long. She said you just wanted to play with her.”
Aiden growled in Annabelle’s face, “She lied to you. What else did she say?”
Annabelle looked terrified, not that Kenzie cared, but she didn’t think the super model would lie to Aiden. Her voice trembled when she spoke, “Nothing! I swear that was it. After she said that she left our table. It was the first night they arrived.”
Aiden studied her face for a minute before shoving her away from him, “Do not tell anyone else what you just told me, or your life will be forfeit. Get out of my sight.”
Annabelle nodded, then turned and ran from the room.
Kenzie turned to Aiden, “Why would Corine try to come between us?”
She watched as Aiden paced the room, “To cause a rift. I just don’t get why she would care.”