Page 136 of Dreams of Magic
Andre nodded, “That is fitting I suppose. That is, if she were actually a traitor. However, all she wanted was for the werewolves to be stronger. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
Sabine grimaced, “Well we do. There is a balance that must be maintained. Now enough! We are not here to discuss Corine. You had a complaint, now voice it, or leave.”
“Alright.” Andre’s gaze focused on Marshall, then moved to Kenzie. Aiden stepped farther in front of her to block his view. He only smiled, “Well, it seems some of your wolves have attacked and killed four of my pack members. For no reason at all. They were just passing through Silver Lake territory, causing no harm. And you slaughtered them.”
Tate grunted and stepped forward to stand beside Andre, “They also killed two of my pack members, including my Beta, with no provocation. Is this what you people do? Murder anyone you do not like?”
It was Marshall who replied, “Your accusations are bullshit, and you know it. Your wolves came onto my land, threatened my pack, and tried to kidnap me and my sister. You are not innocent, and you can’t pretend you are.”
Andre scoffed, “That is preposterous. We have no reason to do any of those things. We have lived in peace for years and have not bothered anyone.”
“You’re disgusting murderers is what you are! Filthy liars!” Tate spit on the ground and took a step forward.
Andre stopped Tate’s forward steps with a hand on his arm, “If there has been any wrongdoing by our pack members, we knew nothing of it. They acted alone. Either way, you should have captured them and contacted us. Instead, you killed them.”
Marshall shook his head, “Give it up Andre. We all know you are the puppet master here. Your wolves don’t do anything without your say. I’m guessing the same goes for Tate and his pack.”
Tate made a chuffing sound in the back of his throat, like he had something stuck there, “I am no one’s puppet, asshole!”
Everyone ignored his outburst. Andre was staring Marshall in the eyes, not breaking contact for a moment. Then he smiled, “You must get your brains from me, boy.”
“No. I get them from my father. And my mother, whom you slaughtered.”
For the first time, Aiden saw Andre’s shell crack. For just a moment, emotion crossed his face then was gone again, “She was not supposed to die.”
There was a moment of stunned silence.
Then Chris asked, “So you finally admit to the attack on Silver Lake? The attack that killed your own daughter.”
Andre shook his head, “Of course not. I would never harm my own flesh and blood. I just said she never should have died. A father should never out live his children.”
Chris was furious, his face turned a bright shade of red, but he stayed where he was. Marshall watched his father for just a moment before pulling them back on track, “That is not why we are here today. You have falsely accused us of attacking your pack. However, Dimitri already told us everything so you can stop with the charade.”
“Oh, is that so?” Andre seemed intrigued now.
Marshall nodded, “Yes. We know you planned multiple attempts to kidnap my sister and I, with the goal of fulfilling some prophecy that has no true validity. You’re attempts have failed, and that is why your men are dead. They attacked us, and we were perfectly justified in killing them to protect ourselves. You also murdered Mackenzie’s mom.”
Aiden noted the two wolves on the ends of Andre’s group had started to inch closer. He wasn’t sure what their plan was though, with so few men, they didn’t stand a chance. They had also placed Marshall and Kenzie in the middle of their group with guards all around. They would never reach them before they were ripped apart.
Andre laughed. A full bellied, bending at the knees laugh. Then just as quickly as it started, he stopped. Then he smiled, an evil almost manic smile and said, “Well, you’re not wrong.”
Then he clapped his hands. Everyone in his group except the two wolves on the end, disappeared.
At the same time, Marshall vanished from his side. Aiden spun around to find that Kenzie was also gone. For a moment, everything froze as his vision heightened. He felt his teeth shifting in his mouth as the change started.
Then everything happened at once.
Suddenly dozens of wolves appeared in the clearing where Andre had been only seconds before. Without a moment of hesitation, they started to attack.
Aiden called out to his patrols on the perimeter,“Get in here now! We are under attack! Marshall and Mackenzie have disappeared! Did anyone see where Andre went?”
There was a chorus of “No’s” that filled him with dread.
He tried over and over to reach out to Marshall and Kenzie, but neither would answer. He tried to follow their mate bond to reach her, but it was like it was muted. He could barely feel it, but that small tingle gave him hope that she was still alive.
Aiden shifted on the run as a grey wolf headed straight for Raven. But he should have known she could protect herself.
The wolf rammed into an invisible wall with a crunching sound. But it didn’t kill him. The wolf didn’t even fall as he shook his bloody muzzle, then snarled. Aiden reached the wolf and latched his jaws around his throat.