Page 15 of Dreams of Magic
As if she came to a decision, she nodded her head at Marshall, “Yes. You and Christopher are my family and honestly, I can work from anywhere. I’ll miss Jake of course but he would understand and can come out to visit.”
“Who is Jake?” Aiden just blurted it out. The second he heard another man’s name on her lips, he needed to know.
She glanced at him with a surprised look, “Um… My Uncle Jacob. My mom’s brother. He helped raise me.”
“Oh okay.” Clearing his throat, Aiden nodded, “I can see how you would miss him.”
She just nodded, and after studying his face for a bit too long, she looked back to Marshall, “So? How do I do it?”
He smiled at her, and Aiden could really see how happy it made him that she wanted to stay, “Honestly, it’s an easy process. Just a few words, a little blood exchange, and that’s it. There’s no rush of course, but we can do it whenever you’re ready.”
“Can we do it now?” She looked so eager. She was even giving Marshall the big puppy dog eyes. Aiden was so grateful they were not directed at him because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to deny her anything if she looked at him like that.
Flustered, Marshall replied, “Um, yea sure.”
Aiden couldn’t help it, he busted out laughing, “Oh man, you’ve already got him wrapped around your little finger!”
Marshall growled at him, then shoved his shoulder just enough to make him stumble into his desk. He laughed again as he caught himself. Then he noticed Mackenzie was chuckling too, though she was trying to hide it behind her hand. When she noticed him looking at her, she winked.
Oh, she knew exactly what she was doing. They were in so much trouble with this one.
She was excited. She knew it was a bit fast, but she was known to make up her mind pretty quickly when she wanted something. This just felt right in every way so far, and she was not going to pass up getting to know her family. Now that she had met them, all her worries had gone away.
Honestly, she was still a bit shaken that she had a twin brother.
She assumed her mom never told her because it would have made her so sad. Kenzie had always asked her if she could have a brother, and she kept telling her it could happen one day. She figured that had been her way of telling Kenzie without breaking her heart, which she could understand.
But now, standing here with these two men and her father just down the hall, Kenzie knew she was meant to be here.
Glancing back at Marshall, he looked slightly amused, “We’ll wait for dad and then we can do it if, you’re sure.”
Kenzie was already nodding when he finished, “I promise, I am sure. You’re my family and this is where I want to be.”
Marshall seemed to take her at her word and glanced over at Aiden, “Dad is on the phone. The council called him.”
Aiden’s brow furrowed, “Maybe trying to make sure everything is ready when they arrive? Though, why didn’t they call you?”
Marshall patted his pants pockets like he was looking for something, “They probably did but I don’t have my phone on me.”
Kenzie let their conversation drift off, since she had no idea what they were talking about and didn’t want to intrude. Walking around the room she noticed it was just a bit smaller than Marshall’s office, but just as nice.
There were comfortable looking chairs off to one side with a small coffee table, and a large desk right in the middle of the room that looked like it was where Aiden spent most of his time. But off in the corner there was another desk, an artist’s desk. The kind that you can move into different angles and has a desk lamp attached.
She had noticed some of the artwork on the walls, drawings of buildings and bridges. But looking at the cluttered art desk, it was covered with other drawings, some finished and some not. They were all amazing though.
There were pencils, charcoal, pastels, paints, and stencils all over the surface. There were also a bunch of magazines and stacks of notebooks and sketch pads.
She glanced back at Aiden. She had been trying her best to not really look at him because her stomach started doing flips every time she did, but this time, she took all of him in. He was wearing well-worn work boots, faded blue jeans, and a light flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His right arm was covered in a tattoo all the way down to his wrist. She wondered how far up it went.
Her eyes slowly worked their way up his body, she couldn’t help it. Now that she was looking, she couldn’t look away. He had a nice, trimmed beard that was just barely longer than a 5 o’clock shadow, dark hair that was almost black, and the most beautiful cerulean blue eyes she’d ever seen. With his sharp jaw, high cheek bones, and straight patrician nose, he was quite a looker. She would bet he had women falling all over him.
She had to glance away for self-preservation but when she did, her eyes landed on another drawing. It was a sketch of the town square. Gently she picked it up so she could get a better look. It was amazing and so detailed, “Aiden, did you draw these?”
Stopping their conversation, both men looked at what she was holding.
Aiden’s face slowly started to turn red. She chuckled. Was he embarrassed? A big, strong man like him, shy about his work? Wow, she thought that might make him even more attractive, if that were possible.