Page 17 of Dreams of Magic
At the same time, they both drank. You would think it would be weird, but it actually tasted okay. Then she felt a jolt and there was a bright light. It felt like she was flying through the air, then suddenly she was standing in front of a huge lake.
Slightly disoriented, she took a cautious look around.
Chapter 7.
What the hell just happened?
Marshall was standing next to her wearing a confused expression. He quickly grabbed her shoulders, twisting her around like he was making sure she had all her limbs still attached, “Are you okay?”
Kenzie ran her hands up and down her body, feeling for injuries, “I think I’m fine. You?”
She looked at him and didn’t see any injuries on him either, but they definitely were no longer in Aiden’s office.
“I’m fine.” Marshall replied, looking just as confused as she was.
“Marshall, you said nothing was really going to happen. I’m guessing this isn’t normal since you’re just as freaked out as I am, right?” She turned to look around, but there was nothing but trees and the lake.
Everything looked too bright. The lake was shimmering iridescently, the grass was so green it looked like a painting, and the sky was so blue it almost hurt her eyes. It was unreal.
Marshall, satisfied she was okay, started looking around also, “This isn’t what usually happens. I seriously have no idea what that was, but I know where we are. This is the Silver Lake on the North side of the pack lands. This is where we get our name from. I just don’t know how we got here.”
“The Moon Goddess brought you.”
Marshall shoved Kenzie behind him, as if to protect her. But she needed to see who spoke, so she stepped up beside him and took his hand. The second she saw her, Kenzie knew who she was. Afterall, she looked almost exactly like her.
“Oh my, look at the both of you! I wish I could have seen you grow up.” Rhiannon stood about ten feet in front of them, but she wasn’t solid exactly. More like a ghost, but not transparent either. “I’m sorry, you’ll have to forgive me. I haven’t seen you since you were babies.”
“You’re Rhiannon, our mother. How is this possible?” She couldn’t look away from her. This couldn’t be real, right? Maybe she just fell over and knocked her head or something and they were still in Aiden’s office.
Kenzie pinched herself to try and wake up. Rhiannon saw the action and chuckled, “I promise, this is not a dream. I also don’t have much time.”
Marshall had remained quiet, but with that statement he spoke up, “Time for what?”
“To tell you what you need to know. You are blessed by the Moon Goddess. You two meeting, bonding, started a reaction that has been in the works for hundreds of years. You are in great danger now, but you are also stronger than you have ever been. You must rely on each other and learn to trust each other, and yourselves. Use the time you have wisely to learn everything that you need to know about your new powers. The time is coming when you will need them.”
Marshall growled at her, “What the fuck does that mean? You’re giving us riddles.”
She gave him an indulgent smile, as if he were an impatient child. It only seemed to make him angrier, but she just continued as if it didn’t matter, “Our time is almost up. Heed my words, for they are more important than you know. One last thing. You have both already met your fated mates. Do not be afraid to let them in. Love will only make you stronger. Your love for them, and your love for each other.”
Then she smiled at them, a wistful and longing look that made Kenzie a little sad, “You both are so beautiful. Know I love you both very much.”
As she finished speaking, she started to fade, “WAIT! You have to tell us what you mean!” But it was too late, she was already gone. Kenzie looked over at Marshall, but everything started to fade around them.
And then there was darkness.
Aiden watched as Marshall and Mackenzie clinked glasses, “I, Marshall Blake, Alpha of the Silver Lake Pack, accept your pledge. Bottoms up little sister.”
Then they both drank, and for a second there was a blinding light, then it was gone. It happened in the blink of an eye. When the light faded, Mackenzie and Marshall were laying on the floor side by side, both glasses empty beside them.
He dropped to his knees next to them, just as Christopher did the same. Aiden shook Marshalls shoulders to try and wake him up.
What was this? This doesn’t happen when a wolf pledges, you don’t actually see anything happen at all.
He tried shaking Marshall harder. Christopher was trying to shake Mackenzie, but neither of them were having any luck.