Page 20 of Dreams of Magic
“I know, I’m sorry I blurted it out like that. I just kind of thought if I said it really fast it would be easier.” Then she explained to him everything that had happened that day.
“Then after I learned how to mind link, Aiden walked me to my car, and I drove home. Now I’m sitting here, going in circles in my head. I’m thrilled to have met Christopher and Marshall. Aiden was nice too, but I don’t know what to do about maybe being his mate. As for the power and destiny bullshit, yea no. I know I’m not up for that. But Rhiannon said we were kind of limited on time, so I don’t know what to do. That’s why I called you.”
Kenzie said it all fast, then took a deep breath and waited for his response.
“It sounds like a lot to handle all at once. I would take Rhiannon’s advice. Lean on your family, let them help you. It doesn’t sound like you have to do this alone. And maybe give Aiden a chance but let him know I’ll kick his ass if he hurts you. Just get to know him at your own pace. And I am always here.”
He took a second before continuing, “As for having powers and a destiny, I don’t think that’s something you can put off. And as much as I would like to tell you to get your ass in your car and come home, I don’t think that’s the right path or even what you really want. I think you need to do your best to get ready for whatever is coming. Train in whatever way you need to, because it doesn’t really sound like you have a choice.”
She rubbed a hand down her face, trying to wipe away the exhaustion. She wasn’t sure she could do this. Honestly, she was scared, “I wish you were here Uncle Jake. I think I’m in over my head.”
“I can be on the next flight if you need me, Mac.” And Kenzie knew without any doubt, that he would do exactly that if she asked him to.
But she couldn’t do that to him. He would drop everything to come out here, but it wasn’t right for her to ask him that, he had a life to live too, “No Uncle Jake, but thank you. I’ll keep the option open for the future though.”
Chuckling, he said, “You do that kiddo. I’m always here. I’ve gotta get back to work now, but keep me in the loop, okay?”
“You know I will. I love you so much and thank you.”
She could hear the smile in his voice, “Anytime. I love you too little Mac. I’ll talk to you later.”
Then he disconnected the call.
Kenzie put her phone on the table, then leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Well, guess she had her work cut out for her. And a mate… Hm. At least he was hot.
Tomorrow she would start getting to know all the new people in her life.
Then she remembered that the council was coming in tomorrow, so maybe not. Everyone was probably going to be too busy, and that was fine. It would give her a little more time to figure out what was going on and how she felt about it.
Kenzie felt a small weight press onto her leg and looked down to see it was Fiona’s paw. She had one paw on her leg and was reaching her head up for a pet. Kenzie started petting her behind her ears, which of course, gave her all the permission she needed to climb onto her lap. Once she settled down, Kenzie continued to pet her with one hand and picked her phone back up with the other.
As she glanced at the screen, she realized there were a few messages. She opened the messaging app and saw that they were all numbers that were not saved.
The first was from Christopher,“Hey Kenzie, it’s Christopher. I wanted to give you my number just in case. I was so happy to meet you today.”
She quickly sent a reply,“Thank you for your number, Christopher. I saved it. It was really great meeting you and I really look forward to getting to know you better.”
It was a little formal, but she wasn’t sure what else to say. She hit “send”, then pulled up the next message. It was from Marshall.
“Hey sis, wanted to make sure you had my number. Save it and call or text me anytime. I hope to see you tomorrow. <3”
Smiling at the red heart emoji at the end of his message, she replied,“Thanks for your number bro. Just let me know what’s a good time tomorrow <3.”
She thought it was cute, so put a heart emoji too. Was “bro” too much? No, she liked it. It felt right. Nodding to herself, again she hit “send”. She could already feel a link with Marshall and knew he could quickly become one of her favorite people. She was really looking forward to getting to know him better.
The third message was from Aiden. She hesitated to open it. Taking some courage from petting Fiona, and from Uncle Jake’s words, she opened the message.
“Hi Kenzie, I know today was crazy and I’m sorry for that. I wanted to give you my number, but I also wanted to ask if you’re, okay? And I just wanted to tell you there is no pressure. I don’t expect anything. But it was very nice to meet you. Btw this is Aiden.”
No pressure? Did that mean he wasn’t going to try to push the mate bond on her? Or maybe it meant he didn’t really want it? No, he said it was nice to meet her, so that’s a good thing. But he doesn’t expect anything?
Rolling her eyes, she gently pushed Fiona off her lap and walked to the kitchen to make some tea. While she put the kettle on the stove to boil, she contemplated his words and what they could mean.
She got a mug from the cabinet, picked out her favorite vanilla chai tea and put a bag in the mug. Once the pot started whistling, she removed it from the stove and poured the hot water into her mug and watched the tea bag dance as the water flowed into the cup.
She loved the process of making a good cup of tea, it was soothing. She let it steep for four minutes, because any longer is too long but any shorter and it’s not as strong as she liked it. Then remove the tea bag, add a dollop of cream and two teaspoons of sugar, and stir.
Taking the tea back to her seat on the couch she curled up and again, Fiona plops right on her lap. When she takes the first sip, it is perfect. She lets the feeling of the warm tea soothe her nerves, then picks up the phone to reply.