Page 23 of Dreams of Magic
Kenzie took a slight step back and glanced away. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his hand drop back to his side.
She swallowed the lump in her throat so she could talk. Her voice was raspier than she intended when she spoke, “Do you think it would be smarter for me to move up there?”
“Yes. It would be easier to protect you if you were close. Plus, then you don’t have to worry about going back and forth every day. From what you and Marshall said, it seems like you’re going to need training. And not just training in fighting. Plus, you’re pack now.”
He was right. As much as she wanted to maintain some space, it wasn’t practical. “Will it be okay if Fiona comes? I can’t leave her here.”
He gave her a small smile, “Of course. The only people who stay in the pack house are Marshall, Chris, and Me. There is a cook who comes in every day because we would starve, since none of us are very good at cooking. We also have someone come in once a week to clean, but that’s it. People do come and go pretty often, but they wouldn’t bother you.”
“Oh, I’m not worried about that. I just didn’t know if Fiona would bother anyone.” She had become very important to Kenzie, and she wanted to be sure no one would have a problem with her.
“I promise, no one will mind having a cat around. Though the door does get left open sometimes, so she might have to stay in your wing if you are worried about her getting out.” he said with a thoughtful expression.
She smiled, he actually seemed to care, “There’s no worry of that happening. Fiona is practically allergic to nature. She screams if you even try to take her outside.”
He smiled again, and it was stunning. He was always handsome, but when he smiled it was breath taking. Man, she hit the mate jackpot with this one. Not that looks meant everything, but he also seemed really kind and caring. This might just be fun getting to know him, even if she was still a little hesitant about the whole “fated mates” thing.
With her decision made, she started walking back toward the house. When he caught up with her, Aiden asked, “Where are you going?”
“I made up my mind. I’m going to go pack our things. Might as well get it over with now rather than worrying about it later.” He followed her to the house, and when she pulled out the keys, he gently took them to unlock and open the door for her.
So, he was a gentleman too. She wondered if he had any flaws, because so far, he seemed pretty perfect. Which of course, was ridiculous. But she was looking forward to finding all his flaws, quirks, and perks.
Kenzie quickly packed everything she had brought with her. It was easy since she had barely unpacked her suitcase at all. It was done in just a few minutes, then she gathered up the few things she had brought for Fiona and the groceries she’d bought yesterday.
Twenty minutes later, her car was packed, and Fiona was on the passenger’s seat in her carry case crying like she was being tortured, but they were headed up to Silver Lake. Aiden was following behind in his truck.
Chapter 9.
When they arrived at the pack house, Marshall and Christopher were standing outside. She assumed Aiden had told them what happened already. Kenzie took a long look at them through the windshield as she pulled to a stop.
They were standing in the exact same position, feet shoulder width apart, arms crossed, and both had the same concerned look on their faces.
She wondered if they even realized how alike they were. Smiling at the image they presented, she turned off the car.
Both men dropped their arms and walked over. Marshall opened her door to help her out and Christopher went to the back to grab the bags.
She smiled up at Marshall, “Hey. Aiden said you wouldn’t mind if I took you up on your offer of a room?”
He smiled at her, “Of course I don’t mind. This is your home too. You have always had a place here. We have a suite all set up for you. Jackie put new sheets and towels in there for you already.”
“Okay cool, thank you! And you really don’t mind Fiona?” She walked around the hood of the car to the passenger side so she could get Fiona, who had thankfully stopped meowing about halfway there.
Picking up the cat carrier, Kenzie walked back over to where all three men were now standing. Christopher was holding her bags and Aiden and Marshall had the groceries and cat stuff. “Thank you for getting those.”
“No problem.” Christopher said, then nodded to the house indicating for her to head in, “Your room is up the stairs, last door on the right.”
Marshall came up beside her as she stepped onto the porch and opened the door for her, “No, we don’t mind having Fiona around.”
Taking him at his word, she headed for the stairs and down the hall to the room Christopher indicated, “Who is Jackie?”
Again, Marshall reached around to open the door, and she stepped inside the room, “Jackie is the housekeeper. She takes care of the place. She’s also Jordan’s sister. You met him yesterday.”
Yes, she remembered. The man who brought her into Marshall’s office when she first arrived. Walking into the room, she took a look around.
It was huge! It looked like a one-bedroom apartment, not a bedroom inside a house. There was a small kitchenette off to the side with a two-person table in the corner, a spacious living room area, and two other doors that she assumed were the bedroom and bathroom. The living room had a beautiful black leather couch, a big screen television and a coffee table.