Page 36 of Dreams of Magic
He grinned, “Two sugars, a dash of cream, and a shot of hazelnut.”
She took another big swallow, then chugged half the cup. They needed to go but it was just too good to leave behind. “It’s delicious, thank you.”
Aiden finished his coffee, then washed out the mug and put it in the dish rack. He turned back just as she finished hers and took the mug to wash it as well. When he was done, he took her hand and pulled her toward the door.
It was nice having a man around who cleaned up after himself. Her uncle always left dishes on the counter, and it drove her crazy. She wondered if he was just being polite or if he really was as great as he seemed.
As they headed down the stairs, she could hear music playing and people talking and laughing. It was a happy sound. She was starting to get excited. This was a werewolf party, the first one she had ever been to. She didn’t know what to expect.
She thought about asking Aiden what it would be like, but then they were at the back door, and she could see for herself.
The grills were going full blast with all the meat that had been laid out earlier by Marilyn and Antonio. Antonio and another man were currently manning the grills, and she saw Marilyn and two other women setting out very full serving trays on the long tables off to the right side of the porch. They had done an amazing job. She had never seen so much food in her life and couldn’t wait to dig in.
At this point the sandwich she had eaten was long digested and her stomach started grumbling.
Aiden chuckled next to her, “We’ll give them a few more minutes to set up then we’ll dive in. Gotta get there pretty quick, or we won’t get any.”
She looked at him like he was crazy, “There’s enough food here to feed an army!”
“Right, or a hungry pack of wolves. We’ll probably have about half of the pack here tonight.” He stated.
She hadn’t realized that many people would be there. Honestly, she didn’t really think about who was coming at all. “Am I going to have to meet everyone? With that many people I am so not going to remember everyone’s names.”
“I’m sure Marshall is going to say something so everyone will know who you are. But you won’t have to go person to person if you don’t want to. Some people will probably introduce themselves to you but mostly I think they will leave you be for now.” His answer made her feel better.
Then she saw Marshall and Christopher headed in their direction with a man and woman who had a kind of regal air to them. They must be the council members.
The man was almost as tall as Marshall and just as broad. Jeez were all these men built like mountains? It was a little intimidating, but maybe it was just a wolf thing.
This guy walked with a fluid grace, like he was very comfortable with his body and what it could do. She couldn’t tell how old he was, but assumed he was older since he was on the council. He had dark brown hair and eyes that were so dark they looked black, but they were kind. He was also wearing a three-piece navy suit that looked like it cost more than she made in a year.
The woman, on the other hand, looked like an ice queen. She walked very stiffly in her straight cut charcoal pant suit, her spine was tight as a bow. She was tall, with chin length platinum blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Eyes that were currently glaring daggers at her.
What was that about?
Marshall held out his hand for her to take, then he gently pulled her toward him.
“Mackenzie, I would like to introduce you to William O’Conner and Corine Bennet, council for the North American werewolves. They will be staying with us until tomorrow evening. William, Corine, this is my twin sister Mackenzie Lord. And of course, you already know Aiden.”
Aiden nodded in respect and said, “It is good to see you both again.”
Both nodded at Aiden, then looked at Kenzie.
William dipped his head in an old-world sort of bow but didn’t say anything. Corine looked down her nose at her, then said in a high nasally voice that did not match her face, “Lord? You do not use the name of your blood?”
Taken aback for a moment, Kenzie wasn’t sure what to say. Thankfully, Aiden did not have the same problem, “Mackenzie uses the name of her adoptive mother.”
Corine produced a very un-lady like snort from her upturned nose, “Not using the name of your people is a disgrace and an insult to all of us. If you do not respect your people, the Alpha line that you come from, then why are you here?”
Again, before she could respond, Christopher stepped forward, “My daughter has great respect for us, but she also respects the wonderful woman who raised her. She did not even know us a few days ago. We are the ones who must earn her respect. She owes us nothing, including the use of my name.”
Kenzie was still holding Marshall’s hand, which tensed at what Corine said but thankfully now loosened a fraction. She flexed her fingers, glad he was no longer grinding her bones together. Not that she had really noticed in the moment.
Finally finding her voice, she spoke up, “I’m just getting to know this family, this pack. Lord has been my name my whole life. I can’t tell you that I plan to change it because honestly, I don’t think I want that. It is not out of disrespect though. My blood is Blake, but I was not raised here. As much as I already know I will love this family, Megan Lord was my mother. And no offense, but I don’t think it is any of your business.”
Corine huffed, as if she had personally offended her snobbish sensibilities.
William’s face did not change, except for his eyes. She could see a sparkle of amusement shining there, “You my dear, I will enjoy getting to know. I have not seen poor Corine speechless in all our years together. I believe we will be friends, you and I.”