Page 49 of Dreams of Magic
Aiden placed a hand on Marshall’s shoulder to keep him away from the bars, she figured it was also a reminder that they still needed answers.
Marshall took a deep breath and nodded. He was obviously still angry, but she knew he wouldn’t lose control.
“What is the prophecy?” Asked Aiden, getting back on topic. He looked so calm, but she could feel his emotions. He was seething with anger. It was pulsing off him in waves, so much so that she could almost see it.
It was fascinating watching Marshall and Aiden. They were like the perfect team. Neither one took over as they went back and forth with their questions. She thought they did it to keep Dimitri off balance. She knew she would have been intimidated had she been on the other side of the bars.
Though, even as scary as they both looked right then, she was surprised how easily Dimitri was giving up information. He didn’t seem to be trying to resist at all.
Apparently tired of being slammed into the bars, Dimitri walked over and plopped down on his cot and closed his eyes, with his arms behind his head, “I have no idea. I was never privy to the full prophecy, just got the gist.”
“Not good enough. Tell me what they are planning!” Marshall demanded in his alpha voice. Unfortunately, since he was not Dimitri’s alpha it wouldn’t work on him entirely, but it did still cause him to submit.
Dimitri dropped off the cot to the floor and fell onto his knees, with his hands on the floor and his head bent in submission, “I just know that the plan is to take you and your sister. That’s it. I don’t know what he will do after that.”
“Why does Andre have witch wards around his lands to block it from view?” Aiden changed the line of questioning.
A bit surprised by the sudden shift in topic, Dimitri stuttered before answering, “He doesn’t.”
Aiden took an aggressive step forward, not that Dimitri could see since his head was still down, “You’re lying. We know the lands have wards to keep people from seeing in.”
A muffled chuckle came from Dimitri, then he glanced up, “Not by witches.”
“Fuck.” Marshall turned around abruptly and started pacing a small circle, “He has a sorceress helping him, doesn’t he? That’s where you got those talismans to cross the wards, isn’t it?”
Dimitri smirked at Marshall, “Now are you scared?”
“No.” Stated Marshall, and he stopped pacing, “Andre is not powerful enough to take us on. The council will intervene if he is working with a sorceress.”
After that, Marshall turned to leave. As he passed Kenzie, he brushed his hand against hers indicating for her to follow.
She turned to follow him, with Aiden falling in behind her. But before they reached the door, Dimitri called out again, “Oh little girl, didn’t you want to know the best part?”
They all stopped and turned back, Marshall asking, “And what would that be?”
Dimitri was smiling, a huge evil grin, “Poor little girl, has lost all of her mommies. Both killed for the same reason.” Then he started to laugh.
She was frozen. Both killed for the same reason? She didn’t understand, “My mom died from a car accident.”
Aiden was next to her, his hand on her back to offer support. “Tell us what you mean or shut the fuck up. We are done with your riddles.”
Dimitri stopped laughing, “I was ordered to run your dear little mommy off the road. Andre needed you and your brother to be together, but that wasn’t going to happen while you were happy in bum fuck North Carolina. So, we took away the thing that was holding you there.”
Kenzie’s body started to tremble. She was grinding her teeth, trying to keep the change back but was so mad and so heartbroken that her control was slipping. Her fault. It was all her fault. Her mom was murdered all because of her.
Two moms, both murdered. Because of her. She was a curse.
She started to shift, her bones cracking and rending to change form.
“MACKENZIE!” Marshall yelled, and Aiden tried to grab her as she lunged at the bars.
She couldn’t fit through, but Dimitri was pressed up against them like an invitation.
Kenzie slashed out with her claws, catching him high on his chest and ripping downward. She lunged as close as she could get, ripping and tearing at whatever she could reach through the gaps.
She could feel someone trying to pull her back but refused to be moved. She kept clawing at the monster who took her mom away from her.
He never tried to move away or fight back. But he screamed, loud, blood curdling screams as she ripped him apart.