Page 56 of Dreams of Magic
About ten minutes later, there was a flare of red light and a pop, making them all jump. Then Raven turned around with a mason jar in her hand and walked over to where Sorcha and Marshall were standing together quietly.
She handed the jar to Sorcha, “Here you go, one sleeping aid hot off the press. It’s tea, so make a cup with a teaspoon worth, about thirty minutes before you go to bed. It’s strong but not dangerous. If you accidentally take too much, you’ll just sleep a bit longer, but it’s not harmful. It will also keep any bad dreams away.”
Sorcha blushed as she took the jar and gave Raven a small smile, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.”
Raven waved off her thanks, “No need to thank me. I am happy to help.”
Then Raven pointed to Marshall and Kenzie “Alright. Now tell me more about what is going on with you two.”
Raven waved her hand and the fireplace burst to life, gentle flames dancing. Then they all followed Raven’s lead as she sat down on the chairs in front of the fire, “Okay, spill it.”
Marshall told her everything that they knew so far. What Rhiannon and Dimitri both said, the attack, and their powers that were starting to grow.
When he finished, Raven had a thoughtful expression on her face. Then suddenly she gasped and jumped up to her feet and rushed from the room.
Aiden looked at Marshall, wondering if he knew what she was up to, but he just shrugged.
She came back a moment later with a huge book in her arms. It was at least three inches thick and so wide she could barely wrap her arm all the way around it, the thing had to weigh a ton.
He jumped up to take it from her, only to realize it barely weighed anything at all. That was weird. Must be a kind of magic or something. He set the leather-bound book on the coffee table and studied the cover. It had the phases of the moon embossed on the front in gold, but no title. It looked old and worn, like it had passed through many hands.
Raven sat on the floor in front of the table and flipped through the pages for several minutes before finally finding the one she wanted, “Here we are. The prophecy of two, seen by the witch Aster Dandridge, no date. But by the writing style, I would say a few hundred years ago maybe.”
Holy shit, she found it. They all leaned in closer, holding their breath to see what it would say.
He reached out to Kenzie and took her hand. He was doing it so much now, it felt natural.
Then they listened as Raven read the prophecy.
“A time will come of great turmoil, when all races are on the verge of destruction. When the smallest of things could tilt the world into utter Chaos. There will come two, born of a great love that ends in tragedy. They will be of mixed blood, one dark, the other light. The two will be each other’s balance, connected. Each will carry a great power that can either create or destroy, and with this power they shall be the salvation or destruction.”
When Raven finished, they all sat there quietly. He didn’t know about the others, but that sounded ominous to him. Which, since it was a prophecy, was totally normal. It seemed like the magic that Marshall and Kenzie had could be used for good or bad, but what did one dark and one light mean?
Aiden studied Marshall and Kenzie out of the corner of his eye. Both had the same concerned looks on their faces, their brows furrowed, and noses scrunched together. Aside from their expression and facial features, which were very similar, their coloring was very different. But it couldn’t simply be the fact that one had black hair and the other blonde, right?
No. That seemed too simple. Maybe it was their personalities? Or perhaps it is their potential if they lose their balance?
He shook his head. There were too many questions, too many possibilities or interpretations.
Since he was still watching them, he saw Kenzie’s face smooth into a look of acceptance, “Okay. So, obviously that just brings up more questions but at least it gives us a start. Now we need to do research and find out any new information we can. Especially about our bloodline. We need to know what ‘mixed blood’ means.”
Marshall nodded his agreement, “Yes, and we need to train. In all areas. We need to know what we are doing so we can be ready for whatever ‘chaos’ is coming our way.”
Raven stood up and stretched as if she had been on the floor for hours instead of minutes. Then she glanced at all of them, “This text was translated from the original so some of it may not be exact, and very well could be interpreted in several ways. So, take a little break. Then we will start figuring out what magic you have. I’m going to get a few things ready to go.”
Marshall stood up, “Going somewhere?”
Raven looked over her shoulder as she headed out of the room, “I’ll be staying with you for a while to train you.”
Then she left the room.
Marshall looked at Aiden, “Did she just say she is staying with us?”
He smirked, “Nervous about having her around?”
Marshall scoffed, “Yes! She is crazy. And I doubt she is just going to pack a single bag. That woman has never travelled light in her life. Last time I had to let her borrow a house she brought so much.”
Kenzie stood up and stretched, “I guess it’s a good thing you have a few extras then. She’s going to help us. I think that we can manage to give her somewhere comfortable to stay, don’t you agree?”