Page 6 of Dreams of Magic
Of course, this made her laugh since they heal very quickly, a little wolfy perk. Though, if they are hurt bad enough, it can still take a while.
As he stood there watching them dodge and lunge at each other, he heard a set of light footsteps coming up behind him. Turning, he saw it was Christopher. Since retiring he enjoyed coming out to watch practice most days, even days as hot as today.
Aiden gave a nod of respect to his former alpha, "Chris, how are you doing?"
He gave Aiden a slight smile as he came up beside him, then glanced back to the training field, "Never better kid, you?"
Aiden studied Chris as discreetly as he could. To the unknowing eye, he really would seem fine, but Aiden knew better.
Chris was tall, with blue eyes and sandy blonde hair that was just long enough for him to run his fingers through when he was frustrated. He had deep bags under his eyes as if he hadn’t been sleeping, and his face looked strained with worry. Something was bothering him, but of course, Chris wouldn’t say until he was ready.
Not wanting to be nosey, Aiden turned back to the fight taking place just in time to see Cassie ram into Jordan's side. "I'm good Chris, thanks for asking. About to head in and see if Marshall needs any help before the council arrives."
"Ah yes, they’re due to arrive in two days, right?" he asks, a touch of concern in his voice. The council stopping by is rarely a good thing. They don’t usually come with good news.
"Unfortunately. But luckily, it’s just William and Corine. Hopefully that means it's just a routine visit and will be short." Chris nodded in agreement. Aiden gave him a light cuff on the shoulder, then turned to head into the pack house.
He paused, “Did you need something from me or were you coming out to watch Jordan get pummeled?”
Chris smirked as he watched Cassie bite Jordan’s ankle, “I just wanted some fresh air. Have to enjoy it while I can. Once Will and Corine get here, everyone’s going to be walking on eggshells. You head on in though, I’m sure Marshall could use your help.”
“Alright, have fun. I’ll see you later.” As he headed toward the pack house, he turned his mind to the council and what they could want.
William O’Conner and Corine Bennett are the two werewolf representatives on the council. They were both fair and strict when upholding the laws.
Aiden liked William quite a bit, he might even call him a friend in certain situations that did not involve politics. Corine was a bit harder to read. He never had the chance to get to know her, but knew Marshall and Chris held both in the highest regard.
The pack house was just up the hill from the training area, a short walk by any standards, but it was hot today. Just the small amount of time he’d spent outside watching the practice had him sweating. It was so humid that he wanted another shower.
Pulling his sweaty shirt away from his heated skin, he fluffed the end a bit to try and get a breeze to cool himself off. Not that it worked. He was ready for air conditioning.
As he walked through the front door of the pack house, Aiden collided right into none other than Annabelle Kingsley. Resident model and mean girl extraordinaire, at least that's what his sisters called her.
Annabelle and her twin Genevieve have been trying to get their claws into him and Marshall for as long as he could remember. Aiden made the stupid mistake, once, of sleeping with Annabelle and he would never do it again.
As the Beta of the pack, right hand to The Alpha, he had a lot of power in the pack. And unfortunately, the twins liked power. All they cared about was being better than others, and mating with a pack leader was their ultimate goal.
Everyone knows this, and still he was stupid enough to make Annabelle think she had a chance, now she wouldn’t leave him alone.
Instinctively he reached out to steady her as she rocked a bit on her ridiculous heels, almost teetering over. The second he did, he knew he shouldn't have touched her. Annabelle leaned her whole body into Aiden as if he was trying to embrace her.
"Hey baby, I haven't seen you in while." She started to run her long red fingernail down his chest.
Aiden gently pushed her away, "Annabelle. I'm just here to see the Alpha. It was nice seeing you, if you will excuse me?"
He turned to walk away but she grabbed onto his arm, her nails digging in just the slightest bit. She leaned in again, grazing her breasts against his arm as she reached up to whisper in his ear, "Why don't you stop by my place tonight? I could make you feel good baby."
"Not going to happen Annabelle. I told you. We had fun but that was it. Let it go. Now I'm late, please let go of my arm." With a huff, she stuck her nose in the air and sashayed away, a little stomp in her steps. Like a child who didn't get their way. He didn't want to be mean, but she just wouldn’t take "no" for an answer.
Shaking his head, he turned and walked to the Alphas office and knocked on the door twice. From the other side of the door, he heard the Alpha call out, "Come in Aiden!"
He stepped into the office and there behind his mahogany desk, sat Alpha Marshall Blake of Silver Lake pack. He also happened to be Aiden’s best friend and childhood partner in crime.
Marshall was tall, at about four inches over six feet and he had the same blue eyes and sandy blonde hair as his father. He was young for an alpha, but Chris stepped down as soon as Marshall turned twenty-two, after he graduated college. Chris said he couldn’t be who the pack needed anymore, but he still helped ease Marshall into the role and helps out when it’s needed.
Standing up, Marshall walked around his desk and went to the fridge, “You want a drink?”
“Sure, just water. Have you been outside yet today? It’s a freaking scorcher. I was sweating just watching practice.” Marshall tossed him a bottle of water. He caught it out of the air with one hand and brought it to his forehead. The icy cold of the bottle instantly cooled him down.