Page 70 of Dreams of Magic
Once everyone collected themselves, he saw Raven walk over to Darren and climb on his back.
“Ah shit. She’s not seriously going to ride him, right?”William asked.
They all watched as Darren took off, Raven on his back and the women following behind.
“Apparently so.”Stated Marshall, as he took off after the group. William and Aiden fell in behind, protecting the group’s flank. With the recent attack, he didn’t want to take any chances, especially since the other’s senses would not be as sharp right now.
Darren was in the lead, but he didn’t seem to have a destination in mind. He was weaving through the trees, Raven bouncing on his back.
Thankfully, they weren’t going that fast.
From his position, he could see everyone clearly. This was the clumsiest run he had ever experienced. They were falling into each other and stumbling over nothing. It would have been hilarious if he wasn’t worried someone would smash into a tree.
As if having the same thought, Marshall raced forward and subtly turned Darren toward the right. The trees were less dense in that direction, and it would lead to the cliffs, meaning this run wouldn’t go on for too long.
The cliffs were less than a mile away. People liked to walk to the overhang so there was practically a trail that they could follow easily.
Maybe ten minutes later, Aiden mind-linked the group,“We are about to reach the cliff edge. Slow down so you don’t run into the fence.”
At this point they were barely jogging, so he wasn’t worried about anyone flying over the railing. But if they smashed into it, it could be damaged.
They reached the end of the woods a few yards from the cliff edge, and everyone slowed. Sorcha laid down in the grass like she needed a rest and the others followed suit, laying down next to her. Raven sat on the ground in between all the wolves and started running her hands through Darren’s fur.
Marshall, William, and Aiden walked over to the fence so they could have a brief conversation while the others rested.
Marshall linked them together,“Whoever is feeding the council information doesn’t have all of the facts. They don’t know we found the prophecy, about Rhiannon, or any details about Dimitri, the stone, or his death. They are getting snippets of info.”
“I doubt it’s any kind of bug in your office or they would have more.”Stated William.
Aiden thought for a moment, but didn’t really have any ideas how someone would know anything,“Maybe someone slipped up and said something? Have we talked at all outside of the office?”
Marshall shook his head,“I accidentally used fire in front of the whole pack, so someone could have figured out the magic use from that. As for the prophecy or Dimitri, no. The only time we spoke out of my office was during the party and we spoke over mind- link, so no one could have heard.”
William paced in front of the fence, “Maybe someone saw Dimitri’s capture? The prophecy, you told us about that in your office. Other than the guards and Christopher, no one else knew.”
William stopped in front of Aiden,“Can your guards be trusted?”
Aiden didn’t even have to think about it,“There is no way any of them would tell anyone what was said or even that we had a prisoner. They are very good at their jobs and completely loyal.”
“What if it’s not my office that was bugged, but the cells?”Marshall voiced his question more like a brainstorm than an actual question, but Aiden answered anyway.
“I don’t think that could be it or they would have more. They would know that Dimitri did not actually attack Mackenzie.”William said it very casually, but he gave them a look that said he knew, and it would need to be discussed.
When Marshall explained what happened with Dimitri, he glossed over his death and apparently William noticed. But he thought it was deserved so there wouldn’t be a punishment, only a reprimand.
Marshall leaned his body on the fence. He looked tired,“So we have more than one mole, in multiple places and we have no idea who they are. This is a game, and we don’t even have a piece on the board yet.”
Aiden huffed at Marshall,“So let’s get in the game. You’ve started training, now we will start researching and watching. Learn everything we can so we are ready. And with Raven’s little relocation, we can take advantage of her library. There has to be something in there that can help.”
William’s ears perked up,“That’s actually a brilliant idea. She is the keeper of knowledge.”
Aiden glanced at Marshall,“The what?”
“You didn’t think all those books were for fun, did you? She’s a historian. Though, for some reason, she is not very popular among her own kind. It’s why she often disappears.”William said, then he nodded toward the others who were starting to act crazy again,“We should get them back.”
When Aiden looked over to see what they were doing, he shook his head at the drunken silliness.
Raven was chasing Darren and Brianna in circles, trying to catch them. In the middle of the game of tag, Cassie, Sorcha and Kenzie were trying to spar. Unfortunately, being impaired, their reaction times were slow.