Page 79 of Dreams of Magic
He waited for her to ask, but when she didn’t, he figured she was waiting for him to say something, “Sure, what’s up?”
She fidgeted a little, twisting her fingers together. He noticed she did that anytime she was nervous, or someone spoke directly to her. She didn’t do it as much with Kenzie, making him think she might be starting to adjust a little. Even if it was just with his sister and the other girls. He hoped one day she would let him in, but he would never push her even if it hurt him to stay away.
“I was actually wondering if there were any job openings around the pack. I’ve been here for a month now and I feel like I’ve been useless. I want to contribute, and I need to start making my own money. It wouldn’t have to be anything fancy. I’m not really good at much so..”
He cut her off, hating it when she belittled herself, “I’m sure you’re great at many things Sorcha. There are a few job openings. I can look at the roster and get you a list.”
“Thank you, that would be wonderful.” When she smiled at him, his heart nearly stopped. It was just a small smile, barely reaching her eyes, but it was breathtaking.
He planned to help her work on that as much as possible. She was an amazing and beautiful woman; she just couldn’t see it. He studied her again, enjoying looking at her.
She had the most alluring almond shaped eyes in a rich caramel color, sharp cheeks bones, and slightly wide but full lips. Her long lustrous auburn hair that now had blue streaks in it, would be perfect for running his fingers through.
Shaking his head, he let go of the images in his head and focused, “It’s no problem at all. In fact, um..” Now he was nervous, “I don’t know if you would be interested, but Aiden and I have been looking for a new assistant. Ours retired about a week before you arrived. She had been with us for years, so we’ve procrastinated in hiring someone else. But I think you would be perfect for the job if you want it.”
She looked surprised, “You want me to work for you?”
“With me and Aiden. If you’re comfortable with it. I don’t know how you would feel about being around us all the time, but you would be working here or on site when necessary. You wouldn’t have to deal with too many other people if you didn’t want to.” He shrugged. “I just thought that might sound better than something like the café or hospital.”
She blanched a little, “Oh. I just thought maybe I could clean or something. I don’t think I’m qualified to be an assistant.”
He hated that she was looking anywhere but at him, so he very gently touched her chin to turn her face to look at him.
She flinched a little, but didn’t pull away as she met his eyes, “It’s very easy. You would just answer the phone, keep the schedule, that kind of thing. You’re brilliant Sorcha, and more than qualified. But it’s just an option and totally up to you. I will still get you that list and you can let me know what you decide.”
She nodded, “Okay, thank you so much. I’ll leave you alone now. I’ll see you later Marshall.”
He smiled as he released her chin, “See you later Sorcha.”
She ran out of the office like the hounds of hell were on her heels. He chuckled. He was getting to her the same as she got to him. It was comforting to know he wasn’t the only one.
As he enjoyed the light traces of her scent still hanging in the air, he grabbed his laptop and got to work researching his own pack, people he had known his whole life.
Marshall and Sorcha both left the ring, leaving Aiden and Kenzie alone.
He wasn’t sure how she would feel after last night, but he was over the moon with joy. He knew it might not mean the same thing for her that it did to him, but he was still going to savor it.
Even in simple workout clothes, her hair pulled back in a loose braid and covered in a light sheen of sweat, he thought she was beautiful.
His mind was still adjusting to the fact that he’d found his mate, but his heart was all in. He found himself thinking about her all day, even at inconvenient times.
When they were practicing, he got so distracted watching her that he completely missed it when Chris had spoken to him. With the council being here and suspicions high, Chris and Marshall had decided to contact the other packs that they are allied with.
They wanted to see if anyone had heard anything and to warn them, just in case. He also wanted to re- solidify those alliances.
So far there had been no news, which was disheartening. Without news or further information, they were working blind. But it could also mean that whatever plans Andre had were not ready yet and that meant they still had time to prepare.
He hoped the time would stretch out, if possible, though he was not optimistic about it. He would make the best of the time they had.
With that thought in mind, he focused on Kenzie again, “So, I wanted to check on you, see if you were okay after last night.”
She smirked, “And this morning?”
He chuckled, “Yes, and this morning. You said you wanted to take things slow but that was definitely not slow.”
She leaned into him and placed a brief kiss on his lips, “No, it wasn’t slow, and I am okay with it. I think a lot was happening at once and I was getting overwhelmed. Saying we should take this slow gave me a little of the control back, but also, I was mostly raised human. Going slow seemed like what I was supposed to do. But the more I’m around you, I don’t want to. And I’m not human, so I’ve decided to go with what feels natural instead.”