Page 81 of Dreams of Magic
“Hm.. I’ll remember that for next time.” She was still smiling as she took in the brightly colored room. It was gorgeous and so much more than she expected.
There was a forest theme throughout the whole place. The round tables were made of what looked like huge pieces of tree trunk, shaped and polished until they gleamed. The walls were covered with a masterful mosaic of a dark forest reaching up to the night sky, and in the middle of the ceiling was a full moon surrounded by stars. The artist had even taken the time to paint the different constellations.
It was a true work of art. She wished she had her camera and made a mental note to ask Cassie if she could take pictures some time. “You said it was a café, but this is way nicer than that. This is beautiful!”
She was still lost looking around when Aiden leaned close and whispered in her ear, “I am so sorry about this. I had no idea they would be here.”
She turned to ask who he meant just as a beautiful, tall woman with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes wrapped her arms around Aiden, “I didn’t know we’d be seeing you today. You look tired sweetheart, have you been sleeping, okay? Your sister’s got her wonderful french toast on the menu today if you want a good sugar rush. And... Oh my gosh, is this her?”
The woman turned and enveloped Kenzie in a tight embrace. Not knowing what to do, Kenzie returned the hug.“Aiden?”
He answered her unasked question out loud, “Kenzie, this is my mom, Juliet. Mom this is Kenzie, the Alpha’s sister.”
“Yes, and your mate.” Juliet winked at Kenzie, “Good news travels fast. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Kenzie smiled, easily seeing the resemblance between mother and son, “It’s nice to meet you too.”
Juliet wrapped her arm around Kenzie’s shoulders and pulled her farther into the restaurant. “Come meet Aiden’s father and the twins. Cassie said you already met everyone else.”
“Oh um, yes. I met Darren and Brianna the other day. And Cassie is amazing. She’s been teaching me how to fight, or more accurate, she’s been kicking my butt.” She was instantly taken with Juliet.
She was having trouble blocking for some reason, so she could see everyone’s auras. It was kind of blurry though, like there was a veil or curtain. She’d have to speak to Raven about it later.
But she was glad she was open enough to see them right then because Juliet’s aura was stunning. It was a mix of pink and yellow with the white ring around it, like all the other werewolves she’d met.
She still wasn’t completely sure what all the colors meant, but she had done a little research. She knew that yellow usually indicated a playful and confident person, while pink meant happy and loving, or something along those lines.
The colors instinctively made Kenzie want to trust her. When they reached the table Juliet indicated, she released Kenzie to walk up to the man already sitting down. The first thing she noticed was that his colors were very similar, both having the yellow and white but his had deep blue instead of pink. She thought it meant protective or maybe supportive.
The biggest thing she noticed about them was that their colors swirled together when they were next to each other.
She was so distracted watching their colors dance that it took a second to realize that Juliet was motioning for her to join them. Aiden placed a hand on her lower back and gently nudged her forward, “Don’t worry, they won’t bite.”
He chuckled at his own joke, making her smile. “Sorry, I was looking at their colors. Are they fated mates?”
The couple smiled, obviously having heard her question. Aiden’s father replied, “We are actually chosen mates.” He took Kenzie’s hand, and bringing it to his lips, he placed a gentle kiss on the back. It was such an old-fashioned gesture, so gallant. It reminded her of a medieval knight. “It is so wonderful to meet you Kenzie. I am Aiden’s father, Benjamin.”
She felt her cheeks heat with a blush as he released her fingers. Her voice barely came out above a whisper. “It’s wonderful to meet you too.”
“Geez Dad, you’ve charmed her voice away.” Aiden took the hand his dad had just released, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You okay love?”
She smiled up at him, “I see where you get your good looks. Your parents are hot.”
Aiden looked like the perfect combination of his parents. Benjamin had the same dark brown hair and blue eyes, the same nose and high cheek bones. But Aiden got his smile and the shape of his eyes from his mother.
Her comment had everyone laughing. Benjamin motioned to the table, “You are too sweet. Please, will you join us?”
“Of course, we will.” She glanced at Aiden to make sure she wasn’t speaking out of turn. His eyes were shining, and he had a small smile. He looked happy as he pulled out a chair for her. As he sat beside her, she whispered, “Their colors are so beautiful, Aiden.”
Again, his parents heard her. Juliet asked, “Our colors?”
She kept forgetting how good werewolves hearing was. She was used to being around humans. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me. Um..” She glanced at Aiden, not sure if she should tell them about her powers.
Aiden nodded, “It’s okay.” He glanced around at the few people in the restaurant. It was late for lunch and too early for dinner so there were only two other people, “Right now my family are the only wolves in here so no one will overhear you.”
“Okay. So, you may have heard that me and Marshall have powers?” When they both nodded, she continued, “Well, part of what I can do is see a person’s aura, their colors. I’m still learning what all the colors mean. But you two, when you stand close, your colors blend together and kind of dance around each other. It’s beautiful and honestly a little intimate. I kind of feel like a kid listening at the keyhole, I am trying to block it out. But that’s why I thought maybe you were fated mates.”
Juliet waved away her concern, “Darling, we don’t mind at all. It sounds lovely actually.”