Page 83 of Dreams of Magic
She gave him a bright smile, “I am now. Just a little panic attack, no biggy. Your incredible wife fixed me right up.”
He chuckled, “She’s very good at that. I think she’s also right about ordering. I’m starving!”
While Ben signaled for a waiter, she turned to Aiden.“I’m so sorry if I embarrassed you. I guess I’m kind of a mess right now. Everyone keeps having to pick me up.”
She felt horrible. Every time something else happened she fell apart. She knew she was keeping a lot of emotions in and was starting to realize that may not be the best way to deal. People were going to get tired of her drama.
Aiden shook his head and gently took her face between his hands, holding her so she couldn’t look away from him,“Kenzie, baby, you did not embarrass me at all. My parents are very understanding and with everything you’ve been through, I’m shocked with how well you’ve been handling things. You are a super woman. Do not ever doubt that. And no matter what, I will be here for you. Okay?”
She studied his strong handsome face. He looked so serious, so sure. He didn’t look upset or mad, so she decided to believe him,“Okay.”She nodded and had to blink several times to keep from crying,“Thank you Aiden for always being my hero.”
He smirked and gave her a light peck on the lips,“Always baby.”
Aiden released her face and turned back to his parents just as Cassie walked up to the table, “If you two are done sucking face, I can take your order now.”
“Bite me Cass.” Aiden rolled his eyes at his sister as he picked up the menu.
Once they had all ordered, they switched to lighter topics.
“So, I heard you are re- designing the bakery. That old bat hasn’t upgraded the place since the seventies. Is she actually going for a look from this century?” Ben asked Aiden.
Juliet swatted her husband with a chuckle, “I love the way it looks! It’s so cheerful. And she’s only a little batty!”
Aiden shook his head at his mom, “It’s psychedelic! I get a migraine every time I go in there. And yes, we are going very modern actually. It should be a completely different place when we’re done with it.”
“Thank the Goddess. The whole town will be overjoyed.” Ben looked thrilled at the idea. She figured he probably really enjoyed his baked goods.
She chuckled, but then remembered something. “Is it the bakery on main street?”
Aiden nodded, “Yes, it’s just a few doors down. Did you want to go?”
“I wouldn’t mind going. But I actually think I met the owner the day before I drove up to the pack. She thought I was Rhiannon for a second and she was very chatty and friendly.”
“That sounds like Mrs. Jones. She’s sweet but can go on and on forever. We can swing by after we eat and pick up dessert if you want?” He looked hopeful, like a kid going to the candy shop.
“I would love that. Then I can see the before and after remodel.” She was curious after their colorful descriptions, and she couldn’t wait to see his upgrades. After seeing the art in his office, she knew he was talented.
He smiled with pride, “It’s still going to be a few weeks before we start the renovation. Marshall will mostly handle the rebuild. I help some, but mostly I’m just the designer.”
“That’s incredible. I saw what you can do, and I know it’s going to be great! I’m betting Marshall is just as talented. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with.” She felt so proud of them. They were so young but had both accomplished so much. She couldn’t imagine how hard it was running a whole pack and a business at the same time.
Just then a perky blonde teenager plopped down in one of the spare seats at the table and leaned into Juliet. Juliet wrapped her arms around the girl and kissed her on top of her head, “Hey baby. Long day?”
“You know, I want to say yes so you’ll baby me, but no. Honestly, I’m kind of bored right now. It’s been a slower day.” The blonde laid her head on Juliet’s shoulder just as the last empty seat was filled by a teenage blonde boy.
Kenzie figured these were Aiden’s younger siblings.
“Hey guys. What are you up to today?” The boy didn’t direct his question at anyone in particular, he was too busy poking his sister.
Aiden answered, “I was planning to show Kenzie around the town after we got some lunch and happened to run into Mom and Dad. Kenzie, these are my dopey younger siblings, Felicity and Edward.”
Edward reached across the table to shake her hand, “It’s great to meet you Kenzie. You can call me Eddie. And watch who you’re calling dopey bro. We learned from the best.”
Kenzie liked him already. Felicity gave Kenzie a shy wave with a quiet, “Hi.”
Both twins looked a lot more like their mother than Aiden and his twins. They had dark blonde hair, brown eyes and gentle features. They seemed softer somehow than most of the werewolves she’d met. Their faces were less sharp, slightly rounded, and Felicity was just a bit taller than Kenzie. Eddie was closer to average height rather than Aiden’s mountainous height.
She knew she was tiny for a werewolf but had thought she was an anomaly. Maybe she’d only met the tall muscular wolves so far. It made her chuckle. “It’s wonderful to meet both of you. It’s nice to see a few wolves my size for a change.”