Page 85 of Dreams of Magic
Aiden almost looked like he was about to start drooling, “All of it. Can we just take one of everything?”
Mrs. Jones laughed, “You sound just like Richard. He would eat dessert for every meal if I let him. His favorite is the key lime pie, but I prefer the tiramisu. But since I cook everything myself, I couldn’t possibly tell you which one to choose.”
“Ah well, when you put it like that, I really do want to take one of each.” Kenzie was fascinated by all the colorful little mini cakes in one of the displays. They were so prettily decorated, like the finest of French patisserie. Aiden was more focused on the pies.
While he decided, she placed her order with Mrs. Jones, “Can I have one of the little raspberry cakes and one of the pistachios, please? Oh, and a croissant as well.”
Aiden came up beside her, “And a piece of the chocolate cream pie please?”
“Of course.” Mrs. Jones bustled around, packing all of their selections into a bag and added two cookies on top, “The cookies are on the house. Welcome to the neighborhood dear.”
“Oh, thank you so much!” Kenzie was realizing this town was full of some of the nicest people she’d ever met.
“Yes, thank you Mrs. Jones. Say hi to Richard for me.” Aiden waved as they said their goodbyes and left, treats in hand.
On their way back to Silver Lake, they talked about music they liked, bands they’d seen live, books they’d read, and movies they enjoyed. It was a relaxing drive and so normal. It gave her a lot of insight into him and made her realize they liked a lot of the same things.
She’d instantly been attracted to Aiden physically, and she liked him as a person from the moment she met him. But now, she had real feelings for him, strong feelings. And it was so much better to enjoy them, rather than fight them, as she’d tried to do at first. The more time they spent together, the more time she wanted to spend with him.
So far, he was a great part of her new life here.
Kenzie paused for a moment, rethinking her last thought.
Her new life here. She hadn’t consciously made any real decisions about staying in Tennessee, but maybe unconsciously she already had. Even with everything that had happened, she’d been happier here than she had since her mom’s accident. Maybe this was the next step to finding her happiness again.
Chapter 19.
“Ugh… This is no use!” Kenzie slammed the book she was reading closed in frustration. For the last two weeks, she had gotten into a routine. Training in the morning with Cassie and Sorcha, then training with Raven and Marshall where the council almost always watched or helped. At least, they considered it helpful.
Mostly it was just criticism for not progressing faster, even though they were getting pretty good with their elements. But they hadn’t gotten to spells yet, which apparently meant they were behind. She tended to just ignore them and listen to Raven, who was an excellent teacher.
After magic training, they would come back to Raven’s house to do research. They were trying to find more information on the prophecy and whether it was legitimate or not. They were also trying to piece together her ancestry.
Sometimes Aiden, Marshall or even Sorcha joined them. Sometimes all of them did and they always ended up making dinner and getting less work done. But it was a good time, and honestly, they needed those breaks. It was becoming so stressful.
The witches and vampires were breathing down their necks wanting answers. William, Corine and Chris did their best to distract them or keep them busy, but they were getting impatient. Not that they were trying to help at all though. They expected them to do all the work.
“That book is over eight hundred years old. Maybe take it a little easy. It can’t be replaced you know.” Raven rolled her eyes as she pulled the abused book away from Kenzie.
Kenzie sighed, “I’m sorry. This is just so annoying. I feel like we’ve read half the books here and we haven’t found anything. And it’s been quiet, so we haven’t learned anything new any other ways either. I just have this feeling that we need to hurry.”
Raven nodded, “Yea, I get that, and I feel the same way. You and Marshall have been doing great, but we need to start working on spells tomorrow, just in case. Other than that, all we can do is keep looking for clues. I have faith that the Goddess will lead us where we need to go.”
“You know, I didn’t grow up knowing much about the Goddess. My mom wasn’t religious. She told me a little bit about what she’d learned about the Goddess from being friends with Rhiannon. It wasn’t much, but what I did understand is that every wolf should be able to feel her, especially at night under the moon. After Marshall and I dream walked and met Rhiannon, I believe it so much more. But we haven’t heard anything else since then, so where is she now?” Kenzie figured a little godly help couldn’t hurt.
Raven shrugged, “You’re asking the wrong person. I believe in the Goddess, but not because of faith. You don’t need faith when you know she exists. I’ve seen her and spoken to her, so it takes some of the mystery away. But I feel the same as you, that she should definitely poke her head out of the star dust and lend us a hand more often.”
“When did you speak to her?” Speaking to Rhiannon’s ghost was one thing, but the Goddess herself? Kenzie couldn’t even imagine.
Raven leaned back in her chair, “It’s kind of a dark story. It’s the reason a lot of other witches don’t like me. Are you sure you want to know?”
“Um duh! Now you have to tell me!” She’d avoided bringing up the topic of how Colin and Sabine treated Raven because she knew it bothered her. But if she was willing to tell her, Kenzie was too curious to say no.
“Okay, but I need a drink first. You want to have a glass of red wine with me?” Raven waved her hand and a light gust of wind picked up a bottle and two glasses from a tall shelf across the room. Kenzie watched as the wind danced them through the air until they floated onto the table.
“I’ll have a glass, thanks. You know, that’s the most magic I’ve seen you use. I thought your element is water not air.” She took the filled glass that Raven handed her.