Page 87 of Dreams of Magic
The one thing that Kenzie found absolutely amazing was the massive cat jungle gym that Raven constructed. It was a mini castle that climbed the wall, with towers and a rope bridge that crossed from one wall to the other. Every wall had carpeted steps and ladders so Fiona could run as much as she wanted.
It was truly incredible. Kenzie hadn’t seen Fiona play as much as she had today since her mom died. It was nice to see the little cat having fun again.
So, with Fiona running around and Raven reading quietly on the other couch, Kenzie should have been able to focus on what she was reading better. But it was a journal from a witch who lived long ago, and the way she was describing prophecies and how they worked, was literally the most boring thing she’d ever read.
Just as she was about to close the book and pick a different one, a passage caught her attention.
Witches must retain control at all times. Just one slip, one break of concentration, and the dam could burst. Then chaos would reign. Loss of control can lead to a path that no witch can return from. To hold that control, a witch must trust themselves and their Goddess given power.
The journal she was reading wasn’t the most detailed or even well written. Mostly it seemed to be thoughts, ideas and notes. The journal only had a single name “Wendy”, written on the front page.
The passage reminded her of her trouble with control when she’d been in town with Aiden. It had been like the wall she used to block people’s emotions and auras had cracks in it. It was weird though because nothing came through clearly, it was all blurry and a little hard to see.
She decided now was as good a time as any to ask Raven about it, “Hey Raven, can I ask you something?”
“Hmm?” Raven finished reading whatever sentence she was on, then looked up, “What’s up? You find something?”
Kenzie shook her head, “No. I just had a question. I forgot to bring it up. When me and Aiden went to town a few weeks back, I had trouble keeping my walls in place. It was like emotions and auras were trickling through, but not completely. They were sort of murky and blurry, like there was a veil over my vision. Have you ever heard of that?”
“Um, no. Not really, but I have a theory. You know how I said you and Marshall’s magic is connected?” Raven paused, waiting for her answer.
“Yes. Rhiannon mentioned something about us being connected too.”
“Right! Really annoying she hasn’t shown up again, but anyways. So, I think that you and Marshall have to be close together for your magic to work. Which is why it didn’t activate until you showed up here. I think tomorrow, part of our lesson is going to be testing the distance. We need to see exactly how close you need to be. If you are far apart and can’t access your magic, you will have to rely on just your wolves. And you’ll need to be prepared for that.” Raven had a thoughtful look on her face.
“Well, that’s what I’ve been doing with Cassie and Sorcha, isn’t it? Making sure I can fight? Both as a wolf and a human.”
Raven nodded, “True enough. I saw you guys this morning. You were doing a bloody good job too. Cassie has been teaching you well.”
Kenzie beamed, “Thanks! She really is a great teacher. I actually got a few hits on her today. It was awesome!” Kenzie paused for a minute before adding, “You’re a really good teacher too, you know.”
Raven smiled slightly, “Thank you. I believe Colin and Sabine would say otherwise. But it means a lot that you think so.”
Kenzie scoffed, “Colin and Sabine are snobs. No one cares what they think.”
Raven chuckled and shook her head, “You’re one of a kind Kenzie. I’m glad I met you. Now, I need to go fetch something because I think I may have found something. Can you call Marshall, Aiden and Chris, please?”
“Sure. What about Sorcha? She’s been helping too.”
Raven stood, not looking Kenzie in the eye, “I think we should leave Sorcha out of it for the moment. Let Marshall decide if this is something he wants her to know. What I found is sensitive and not necessarily something we want to get out.”
“Ah, okay. Sure.” Kenzie didn’t like the sound of that one bit.
Raven nodded, then headed down the hall toward the library.
Kenzie reached out to the guys, building a bridge to all of them just like Aiden had taught her. She thought she was getting better at it, able to do it faster each time.
“Hey guys, can you come to Raven’s please? She says she thinks she found something. She said it’s sensitive, so for now she wants just us.”
There was a chorus of replies from the three men, all agreeing that they would be right there. It was a little hard to pick out who said what when they all talked at the same time like that, but she got the gist and broke the connection.
A few minutes later, there was a brief knock on the door before it swung open and all three of them walked in. Marshall plopped down on the couch next to her, “What’s going on? Where’s Raven?”
Kenzie motioned toward the hallway, “She went that way right before I called you. She said she had to grab something, so I guess she’ll be back in a few. She didn’t tell me what she found.”
Chris took the seat Raven had vacated, “She said it was a sensitive topic though?”
Kenzie nodded, “Yes. She said not to bring Sorcha yet. She said once she tells us, Marshall can decide if he wants her to know or not.”