Page 91 of Dreams of Magic
He shrugged, “I thought I was. Apparently, it’s being interrupted.” He turned to Rhiannon, “Hi Mom, been a while.”
Rhiannon beamed a smile at him, “Not so long really. I’ve been watching over you both. You’re doing an amazing job.”
Marshall snorted, “No thanks to you. You could have helped you know. Given us more information. Instead, we are fumbling around blind, looking for scraps and clues.”
Kenzie saw sadness cover Rhiannon’s face, “Unfortunately, I am limited in when I can visit and how much I can say. I am here at the grace of the Goddess. She allows me only to give the information you need. I am truly sorry that I can’t do more.”
“So, why are you here now then?” Kenzie figured if she had to take over their dreams, it was probably important.
Rhiannon sighed, “I am here only to tell you to hurry. There is more you need to know, and time is running out.”
Kenzie waited for her to say more, when she didn’t, she huffed in frustration, “That’s it? All this effort, and all you say is hurry up. It’s not like we’ve been sitting around drinking tea. We’ve been practicing and researching until our fingers are numb and we’ve barely found anything!”
Marshall leaned back on his hands on the rock, looking like he was just there to catch some sun. But he was studying Rhiannon closely. “You’re saying things are moving faster and we may not have time to find all the answers, aren’t you? You’re warning us.”
Rhiannon nodded, “In the only way I can. There is something coming, a storm you must be prepared for. If the events unfold, and you are not ready, the fate of the entire world will change.”
“What does that even mean? Can you give us anything more than riddles, please?” Kenzie felt almost desperate. This wasn’t helping, just causing more stress.
Rhiannon stood as her form started to fade, “Our time is up. Look to the beginning for the answers. Remember, together you can do anything. You are more extraordinary than you know.”
Then she was gone, and again, the world went black.
She woke in her own bed with someone shaking her.
“Dammit Mackenzie! Wake up!” Aiden sounded almost frantic as he shook her.
“I’m awake Aiden. You can stop shaking me.” Her throat was a little dry, so she reached over to her nightstand for her water from the night before.
While she drank, she watched Aiden as he fell back against the headboard with a thump. He looked exhausted. He was also only wearing boxers and his hair was disheveled, like he’d jumped out of bed and ran straight here.
She couldn’t help admiring his sculpted chest, his washboard abs, the tattoos running up his right arm and across his whole chest, and his muscular legs. He looked like one of those statues of Achilles, all muscle, not an ounce of fat anywhere on his body. She thought he was beautiful, though most men probably wouldn’t appreciate the term, it was true.
He noticed her watching him and smiled a little, “You woke me up. You were screaming in your sleep.”
She almost dropped her glass, so she put it back down before replying. Before she could say anything, her bedroom door burst open, and Marshall came storming in.
“Looks like a damn party.” He plopped down on the foot of her bed and placed a hand on her blanket covered foot, “You okay?”
She shrugged, “I’m not really sure. Honestly before you were sucked into my dreams, I was having the shittiest nightmares. Apparently, I was screaming and woke Aiden. I’m sorry about that by the way.”
Aiden waved away her apology, “No need for sorry babe. I don’t mind. What sucked was not being able to wake you though. I have to admit I kind of freaked out a little bit.”
Marshall snorted a laugh, “I think that’s a reasonable response, considering.” He focused on Kenzie, “I heard you scream too. It started to wake me up enough that I realized it was you, but then I was sucked down again. It was weird, like I was dragged under. Then I was with you in the clearing again.”
“The clearing at the lake? Was it Rhiannon again?” Aiden looked fully alert now.
Marshall nodded, “Yea, just like before except we were sitting on a picnic blanket on top of the rocks. She was just as cryptic as before.”
Kenzie interrupted, “We should call Chris so we can tell him too. Telling it once is easier.”
“Right. And Raven too then. She’ll need to know what was said so she can help us.” Marshall sighed and stood back up. She realized he was barely wearing more than Aiden, in just a pair of basketball shorts.
She quickly looked away. She knew they were all used to running around naked like it was a nudist colony or something, but she wasn’t quite used to it yet. “Why don’t you two go put on some clothes and I’ll get dressed. Then we can meet up somewhere with Chris and talk.”
Aiden chuckled, “You’ve seen more of me than this Kenz.”
Marshall rolled his eyes and shoved Aiden off the bed, “Gross dude.”