Page 119 of Janessa
Janessa’s panic spiked again. “No. I… I can’t… I can’t see him like that.”
Silence followed her statement, and she didn’t need to be looking at her mom or Jay to know that they had probably exchanged a concerned glance.
But she didn’t care.
They probably didn’t understand, but she really didn’t care.
Her fear, which she’d done her best to keep hidden, was too near the surface, which prevented her from being able to focus on anything else.
All she knew was that she needed to distance herself from Will. If they hadn’t been dating, Will wouldn’t have been on that road during the snowstorm. He wouldn’t be suffering the way he was now.
The idea that she’d played a role in his current situation just added to the pain she already felt. Everything was just a mass of confusion for her, and right then, Janessa felt like the only way to sort it all out was to step away. To free Will from the mess she could no longer hide.
Fear. Fear. Fear.
It was all she could think about. All she could focus on.
It consumed her whole world, leaving her without the ability to look at anything rationally.
Will stared past the Christmas tree to the view beyond the large picture window of his parents’ living room. It was snowing again. Since that first snowfall, they’d received a significant amount. More than was usual for the area. And he hadn’t been able to help his dad shovel it like he normally would have.
It had been almost three weeks since the accident, and he barely recognized his life.
He’d gone from a fulfilling life with a hopeful future to feeling like he had nothing. His broken arm and leg had made it necessary to accept help, which was why he’d moved back in with his parents. Something he’d never imagined doing at this stage in his life.
Teaching was also something he’d had to give up temporarily. He was definitely doing better physically than he’d been immediately after the accident, but he really didn’t care.
Of all the things he’d lost since the accident, his relationship with Janessa was the hardest to accept. He was beginning to lose hope that it was something he’d ever regain.
Jay had come by at least every other day, and they’d spoken about what was going on with Janessa. Those were bittersweet conversations. He was happy to hear that Janessa’s physical recovery was progressing fairly well. It had been a relief when he’d woken up in the hospital to hear that Janessa hadn’t been seriously injured in the accident.
If one of them had to be injured worse, Will was glad it had been him.
Unfortunately, he’d only had one text conversation with Janessa since the accident. That had been when she’d written to let him know that it would be better if they ended their relationship. That was it. No explanation, even when he’d asked for one.
“I’m not sure what’s going through her head,” Jay said. “She won’t talk to me. She’s not talking to anyone. At least, not about what happened to make her break things off with you. I tried again last night, but she just shuts down.”
Will dragged his gaze from the snow to where Jay sat on the couch. His friend’s shoulders were slumped as he leaned with his arms on his thighs, his gaze lowered.
“I guess this is how she must have felt when I shut everyone out following the news about Peyton.”
“She’s scared,” Will said.
Jay looked up with a frown. “Scared of what?”
Will had spent a lot of time thinking about the situation, recalling the conversations they’d had. He hadn’t had much else to do as he recovered.
He was sure she’d deny it if he tried to broach the idea, but it was the only thing that made any kind of sense. “Losing me.”
“Losing…” Jay sighed. “Because my dad died in a car accident?”
“I’m sure that didn’t help, but honestly, I think it’s just a fear of loss in general. She’s already lost two important people in her life.”
“I didn’t know. I mean, she’s let people get close to her. It’s not like she’s been keeping distance from any of us.”
“It’s just a thought.” Will realized it didn’t make complete sense. But why else would she have broken things off with him if it wasn’t for fear of losing him to death?