Page 15 of Janessa
Somehow, he didn’t think that would work with Steven. He’d no doubt expect special treatment if Will dated his sister, and he’d probably be only too eager to share any details he knew about their relationship with his buddies. So, even if he did want to date someone, it wouldn’t be Marissa.
“I always enjoyed math, regardless of who taught it,” Will said, shifting around so that he could stretch.
“I guess some just have a more natural aptitude than others.” She smiled at him again. “When do you usually work out? I’ve never seen you here before.”
And if she was always there at that time of day, he’d have to pick a different time.
“I don’t have a usual time,” he told her. “It’s been awhile since I was last here.”
Her expression turned knowing. “Oh, is this like when us girls work out after a breakup to make our exes regret breaking up with us?”
Will stared at her for a moment. “No. It’s not like that.”
“Sure.” She gave him a wink. “The rest of us single ladies will appreciate your efforts, even if your ex doesn’t.”
“I actually don’t want anyone to appreciate my efforts. I’m here for my own benefit, no one else’s.” He put one of his earbuds in. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I only have a limited amount of time for this, so I need to get started.”
She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, then got to her feet, smoothing her hands along her tight-fitting workout clothes. Will turned his gaze to his phone as he inserted his second ear bud. He started up the audiobook, then went through the stretching exercises that Jay had instructed him on, glad to see from the corner of his eye that Marissa was walking away.
Relieved to be left in peace, Will stretched a bit more, then he got on one of the treadmills and slowly worked up to a good pace. It didn’t take too long for his body to feel the strain of the workout, but he continued on, determined to exhaust himself.
The audiobook helped distract him from most of his body’s complaints and the other people who were working out around him. After forty minutes, he slowed the treadmill to a stop, then walked on shaky legs to get the stuff to clean it before stretching again.
He didn’t bother looking around to see if Marissa was still there. Just did what he needed to do to finish up his time at the gym and leave.
As he drove home, Will debated whether he’d return to the gym or not. If his exhaustion helped him to fall asleep more quickly, he might have to. And if he got in better shape as a result, that would be an added bonus.
He’d just have to decide if possibly having to deal with Marissa every time he went was worth it.
As she slumped down at the table in the breakroom, Janessa’s jaw popped as a huge yawn overtook her. She laid her head down on her arms on the table, wishing she hadn’t stayed up late the night before, reading. It wasn’t often that she got so caught up in a book that she read way past her bedtime.
She hadn’t read anything in awhile, but Denise had recommended the book, and she’d been right. If Janessa had been smart, she would have waited until Friday night to start reading it.
“Janessa!” Janessa looked up to see Misha coming into the room. “You’ll never guess who I saw at the gym last night.”
“Are you and Jay still going to the gym?”
“I go two or three nights a week, but we don’t get to work out together as much anymore. Usually just on Friday or Saturday nights when Mom can watch Peyton and Ciara for us.”
“If I had a boyfriend, working out on a Friday or Saturday night would be the last thing I’d want to do. What’s wrong with dinner and a movie?”
“Nothing.” Misha winked at her. “But watching your brother work up a sweat is kind of fun.”
Janessa held up a hand as she put her head back down. “Nope. I don’t need to know that you find Jay attractive while he’s working out. Blech.”
Misha laughed. “One day, you might also find a man attractive when he’s doing something he loves.”
“Well, I can tell you this much. He won’t be working out.”
“Speaking of,” Misha said, “Guess who I saw at the gym last night.”
“What? No! It was a guy.”
“Did you tell Jay about this man you ran into at the gym?”