Page 17 of Janessa
“I’ll try to talk to him this weekend,” Jay said. “If he’ll even talk to me about it.”
“Will has never been the most outgoing guy,” Gareth mused. “But he’s been unusually quiet, even for him.”
Janessa had to agree with Gareth on that one. And she wasn’t sure that him being on the Fall Dinner committee was helping him to be less introverted, especially since Daphne’s grandmother was there. She’d never struck Janessa as a mean woman, but just seeing her had to be difficult for Will. After all, he’d gotten to know her over the years he’d been dating Daphne.
“Oh, there was a woman at the gym last night trying to flirt with him,” Misha said.
Someone was flirting with Will? Janessa frowned at that revelation.
“Who?” Aria asked. “Someone from church?”
“Nope. I didn’t recognize her. He called her Marissa.”
Janessa knew only one Marissa. “Marissa Clayton?”
“I didn’t hear a last name,” Misha said.
“Who’s that?” Gareth asked.
“She was a couple of grades behind me in school,” Janessa said. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if Will has had one or two of her siblings in his class.”
“Yikes.” Jay grimaced. “Not a good plan to date the sibling of a student.”
“I don’t think you need to worry about that,” Misha told him. “Will didn’t seem even remotely interested. As soon as I showed up, he came right over to me. He said that he’d run into her a couple of times when he’d gone to work out, always flirting with him. Since I could tell he was uncomfortable, I stuck with him.”
“Misha the bodyguard,” Janessa said with a laugh.
“Like you and Aria wouldn’t have done the same for him,” Misha told her.
Misha wasn’t wrong about that.
“And now let’s see how long until people start asking me if I was aware that my girlfriend and my best friend were meeting up at the gym.”
“Oh boy,” Gareth mumbled. “I wager we’ll have the first comment before noon.”
“You think it’s going to take that long?” Janessa asked. “I’m gonna say by ten.”
“I’m with Janessa,” Aria added.
“Me, too,” Misha said.
Jay just shook his head. “Too many people with too much time on their hands.”
“It won’t really be a problem though, will it?” Misha asked, her brow furrowed.
“Not if we don’t let it become one,” Jay said. “I know I can trust both of you, and anyone that knows you and Will, will know that there’s nothing romantic going on between you.”
“There are just some people who like to stir up trouble,” Gareth added.
“Busybodies,” Janessa muttered.
“Just don’t dignify any of the comments with a response,” Jay said.
“Should we let everyone know?” Aria asked. “Or is that overreacting?”
“Probably a good idea to let people know, especially since Marissa saw you together,” Janessa said. “If she’s ticked that Will won’t give her the time of day, she’ll be more likely to spread a rumor.”
Jay sighed as he pulled out his phone. “Group chat message it is.”