Page 73 of Janessa
He didn’t really want to give more details and have to face a bunch of questions about the date and his plans for dating in the future. It was bad enough that Jackson was probably going to blab all about it. Will didn’t need everyone all up in his business.
Charli:Well, it’s good that you’re getting back to dating.
Will contemplated a response, then decided to fight fire with fire.Yep. When are you going to start dating?
Charli:Never. Have a good night!
Her response made him chuckle. She always shut the conversation down when it came to questions about her dating. He’d never done it before, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
He decided to text Janessa because he wanted her to know that he was thinking of her. It felt important to do that.
Hey, Janessa. Hope you have a good sleep and that you feel better tomorrow. Thanks for still taking on the meeting tonight. If I can do anything for you, let me know.
After sending the text, he stared at the screen longer than he had when he’d messaged Charli, hoping for a reply. But since Charli had said Janessa had gone to bed, it was likely that she was already asleep. At least she’d wake up to his message.
The next morning, the first thing Will did after shutting off his alarm was to check to see if Janessa had replied. Disappointingly, there was no message from her. He had no idea what time she started her day, so it was possible she wasn’t even awake yet.
He flung his blanket off, then started his routine to get ready for the day. Though he didn’t, as a rule, like getting up early, he also knew that in order to make it through the day, he had to have time to eat a decent breakfast and have enough coffee to wake him up.
That morning, breakfast was scrambled eggs and a couple of sausages, along with a handful of grapes, and, of course, a large mug of coffee. As he ate, he reviewed what he was teaching that day, trying not to wonder when Janessa might get back to him. Hopefully, she hadn’t gotten worse through the night.
Normally, he’d have to wait until Friday or Saturday to see Janessa again, but Will wondered if there was some way to see her before then. He didn’t think he could wait that long. Or rather, he just didn’t want to.
It wasn’t until he was in his classroom waiting for the school day to start that he finally got a reply from Janessa.
Janessa:Thanks. I slept okay. Still not feeling great but going to work.
Maybe you should take the day off. I’m sure they could survive without you.
Janessa:I’m sure they could, but I don’t feel that bad. I’d hate for Aria to have to do my job along with hers. I’ll be fine.
I suppose Gareth would send you home if you were really sick.
Janessa:Yep. But that won’t happen today.
Students began to slowly filter into the room for the first class of the day.
Gotta go. Class is starting soon. Hope you have a good day.
Janessa:You too.
Will greeted the students as they wandered in and found their seats. Before he put his phone away, he sent one more text.
Hey Mom! Any chance you have chicken noodle soup in the freezer that I could have? Class is starting, so I’ll check messages later.
Will turned off the volume on his phone, then put it in his desk drawer. As he stood up, he tried to gauge how badly the class would go. The first class was usually filled with teens trying to wake up, which was an added challenge when teaching math.
Several of the kids had come in with coffee, so Will hoped that would perk them up before the class was over. He’d never been allowed coffee in class when he was in high school, but things were different now. And as long as it didn’t distract them or make a mess, he didn’t have a problem with it.
After the first class finished, Will pulled out his phone to check for a message from his mom while he waited for his next class.
Mom:You bet. Do you want it frozen, or should I take it out to defrost?
Will considered that for a moment before responding.Keep it frozen, I think.
If Janessa wanted to eat it that night, defrosting it wouldn’t take too much time. But if she didn’t, she could keep it in the freezer.