Page 77 of Janessa
After Layla said a prayer for the food, Janessa took a spoonful of the soup. She quickly realized that Will hadn’t lied about how delicious it was. Even though her appetite had been pretty much non-existent for the past couple of days, she thought that she just might manage to eat all the soup she’d taken.
“It’s great, isn’t it?” Will leaned close enough that his arm brushed hers, his smile crinkling the skin at the corners of his eyes.
“It was very good,” Janessa agreed. “Almost made it worth getting sick.”
Will chuckled. “Getting sick in our house always got us multiple servings of this soup. My mom makes a huge pot of it at least once a week. She passes it out to anyone she hears is sick in the church.”
“You told her I was sick?”
“Yep. She likes to know, so that she can pray.”
Alice Kennedy was very much like Cathy Halverson. Both were quick to pray for people, as well as to help them in very practical ways.
“Well, thank you for bringing me some.”
Will beamed at her. “You’re welcome. And if you need more, just let me know.”
Janessa’s heart hurt at the happiness she saw on Will’s face. It had been missing since the breakup, and for some time before that, actually. Oh, there had been flashes of happiness from him, but more often, his expression had held an edge of sadness.
Not anymore, though.
“I think I’ll be okay. My stomach is feeling better already.”
If possible, his smile grew even brighter. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll tell my mom her soup worked another miracle.”
Janessa wished that the soup had worked a miracle on the ache in her heart. Sadly, that still remained.
Will moving on from his breakup had been inevitable, and she should have been prepared for it. She just hadn’t thought it would happen so soon.
It had only been a few months since the breakup, but Daphne had already moved on, so perhaps Will figured it was time he did so as well.
“Do you think everyone is ready to serve at the dinner?” Will asked as he pulled apart a dinner roll and smeared butter on it.
Grateful for the change of subject, Janessa said, “I think so. As long as they don’t goof around, it should be fine. I don’t expect perfection. I just want each of them to do their best.”
“Do you all have your tickets to the dinner?” Will asked the others at the table. “With Denise helping with the food, you know it’s gonna be great.”
“We’ve got ours,” Aria said.
“I have mine. I just need to see if Skylar will babysit Layla.”
“She’s not serving, so she should be able to,” Janessa said.
“Also, Aiden’s not around to tie up her time,” Charli added.
Janessa knew that Skylar was struggling with the long-distance relationship, and she felt bad for her younger sister. Aiden was her first serious boyfriend, but Janessa had a feeling he wouldn’t be her last.
After everyone was done eating, Janessa helped Charli make coffee and set out some cookies and brownies. There were no cookies from Will, but that wasn’t a surprise, since she didn’t think he’d planned to stay for supper.
He’d come by just to bring that soup to her.
“Are you feeling better?” Charli asked as she set cream and sugar on a tray with the mugs.
“Yeah.” There really wasn’t any other answer she could give. She had to feel better because life went on.
“That’s good.”
Janessa took the tray, while Charli followed her with the carafe and the plate of goodies. It didn’t take long for everyone to fill their mugs and take a treat. Janessa passed on both, which earned her a concerned look from Charli.